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request service order place



Select placement options and create placement configurations for a service. See Manage Placement Configurations by Using the Service Orchestration cMGD CLI.

The lock-token option allows you to unlock a locked service instance by providing the lock token.

You can use this command to generate and modify placement configurations for a service instance.



The name of the service order for which placement configurations are to be generated.

lock-token lock-token

The secure lock token that is displayed when you set a lock for a service instance by using the request service instance lock command.

service-order-name modifier (delete | keep | options | place | release)

Modify the placements behavior for a service instance.

  • delete—Delete all network resource allocations for the service instance.

  • keep—Allocate the network resources and also do not release the deleted network resources.

  • options—Assign the available placement options, but don't alloacate any resources.

  • place—Allocate the network resources for the service order.

  • release—Release the deleted network resources that were retained using the keep option.

Release Information

Command introduced in Juniper Paragon Automation Release 2.0.0.

delete option introduced in Juniper Paragon Automation Release 2.3.0.