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About the Network Score Formula Page

To access this page, click Trust > General > Trust Plans.

Paragon Automation generates a trust score for each target based on a trust score plan. A trust score plan defines how to calculate a trust score for a target. It comprises a set of trust factors for the prerequisite, variable, and reputational factors. The score plan also defines the contribution values for each factor in the variable and reputational factor categories. You can view the trust plans that are applied to the network from the Network Score Formula page.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

  • View predefined trust plans available in Paragon Automation. You can also view details of the rule groups and the prerequisite, variable, and reputational factors that contribute to the trust score. Click a trust plan to view details of the rules defined in the plan.

  • You can also perform the following tasks from this page:

    • Sort, resize, or re-arrange columns in a table (grid).

    • Show or hide columns in the table or reset page preferences, using the vertical ellipsis menu.

    • Search by using keywords—Click the search icon (magnifying glass), enter the search term in the text box, and press Enter. The search results are displayed on the same page.

    • Filter the data displayed in the table—Click the filter icon (funnel) and select whether you want to show or hide advanced filters. You can then add or remove filter criteria, save criteria as a filter, apply or clear filters, and so on. The filtered results are displayed on the same page.

    • Set the number of rows to be displayed in the table—Set the number of rows (15, 30, 50, or 100) to be displayed in the Network Implementation Plan table in the Display drop-down list provided at the bottom right-corner of the table.

      Use the arrow heads to traverse through the pages or enter a page number to view the entries listed on that page.

Field Descriptions

Table 1 describes the fields in the Network Score Formula page.

Table 1: Field Descriptions on the Network Score Formula Page
Field Description
ID Unique identifier for the score plan.
Name Name of the score plan.
Version Version of the score plan.
Variable Weighting Percentage of weighting value assigned to variable factors in the score plan. Variable factors include a target's configuration, version, activated features, and so on
Prerequisite Factors Number of prerequisite factors defined in the score plan.
Variable Factors Number of variable factors defined in the score plan.
Reputational Factors Number of reputational factors defined in the score plan.
Last Updated Date when the score plan was last updated.