About the Sites Page
Sites are the physical locations that host devices, such as routers, switches, and firewalls within an organization's network. The superuser can create sites and add devices to those sites. Sites are used to identify the location of the devices in the organization. Multiple sites can be grouped into site groups for easy management. For more information on organizations and sites, see Organization and Sites Overview.
To access the Sites page, click Inventory > Common Resources > Sites.
Tasks You Can Perform
You can perform the following tasks from this page:
View details about the sites in an organization—You can view the site name, country, time zone, address, the site group to which the site belongs, and notes about the site.
Add sites; see Add Sites.
Modify and delete sites; see Edit and Delete Sites.
Filter the data displayed in the table—Click the filter icon (funnel) and select whether you want to show or hide advanced filters. You can then add or remove filter criteria, save criteria as a filter, apply or clear filters, and so on. The filtered results are displayed on the same page.
Search by using keywords—Click the search icon (magnifying glass), enter the search term in the text box, and press Enter. The search results are displayed on the same page.
Show or hide columns in the table or reset page preferences, using the vertical ellipsis menu.
Sort, resize, or re-arrange columns in a table (grid).
Set the number of rows to be displayed in the table—Set the number of rows (15, 30, 50, or 100) to be displayed in the Network Implementation Plan table in the Display drop-down list provided at the bottom right-corner of the table.
If there are multiple pages of rows, use the arrow heads to traverse through the pages or enter a page number to view the entries listed on that page.
Refresh the Sites table—Click the Refresh icon present at the bottom of the table to view the most recent updates made to sites.
Field Description
Table 1 describes the fields displayed on the Sites page.
Fields | Description |
ID | ID of the site. |
Name | Displays the name of the site. |
Country | Displays the country where the site is located. |
Timezone | Displays the time zone of the site. |
Address | Displays the address of the site. |
Site Groups | Displays the site groups to which the site belongs, if any. |
Notes | Displays additional information about the site. |