Configuring PCEP on a PE Router
Configuring a PE Router as a PCC
To configure a PE router as a PCC:
Enable external control of LSPs from the PCC router to Paragon Automation.
[edit protocols] user@PE1# set mpls lsp-external-controller pccd
Specify Paragon Automation (paragon) as the PCE that the PCC connects to, and specify the Paragon Automation host external IP address as the destination address.
[edit protocols] user@PE1# set pcep pce paragon destination-ipv4-address
Configure the destination port for the PCC router that connects to Paragon Automation (PCE server) using the TCP-based PCEP.
[edit protocols] user@PE1# set pcep pce paragon destination-port 4189
Configure the PCE type.
[edit protocols] user@PE1# set pcep pce paragon pce-type active user@PE1# set pcep pce paragon pce-type stateful
To verify that PCEP has been configured on the router, open a telnet session to access the router, and run the following commands:
user@PE1> show configuration protocols mpls
Sample output:
lsp-external-controller pccd;
user@PE1> show configuration protocols pcep
Sample output:
pce paragon { local-address; destination-ipv4-address; destination-port 4189; pce-type active-stateful; lsp-provisioning; }