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About the Inventory Page

The Inventory page lists the routers in an organization. You can view the device details such as device status, hostname, model, a serial number, and so on.

The widgets below the header display the count of routers in the organization by router models. The Physical Devices widget displays the total number of routers in the organization. Click Physical Devices to view all the routers in the organization in the list below. Click specific router models to view only those routers in the list. For example, the widget ACX7024 displays the total count of ACX7024 and ACX7024X routers.

In the Installed Base tab, you can view device details, including a serial number, device status, the address where the device is located, contract ID, end of life (EOL) and end of service (EOS) for the device, and so on, for all the Juniper Networks devices in your network.

To access the Inventory page, click Organization > Inventory on the navigation menu.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks on the Inventory page:

  • View details of routers present in the organization—You can view the device details such as device status, host name, MAC address, model, a serial number, and so on. See Table 1 for field description.

    To view more details of a device, click on a device. The Device details page appears displaying the device information.

    To view more details of a device, click on a device. The Device details page appears displaying the device information. For more information, see About the Router Details Page.

    On the top banner, view the number of adopted devices in the organization, categorized by device type.

  • Adopt a device; see Adopt a Device.

  • Release a device—Releasing a device implies removing the device from the management of Juniper Mist Routing Assurance due to reasons such as end of life (EOL) of the device. When you release a device, the SSH configuration that establishes the connection between the device and Juniper Mist Routing Assurance is removed from the device and the device cannot connect with Juniper Mist Routing Assurance.

    To release a device, select the device and click More > Release and click Release on the Confirm Release page.


    Releasing the device only removes the outbound SSH configuration. You can add the SSH configuration when you adopt the device again.

  • Export details of all the devices in the CSV format—To export details of all devices, on the respective tab, click the Download CSV button. The details are exported to a CSV file that you can download to your local system.

  • Assign a device to a site; see Assign a Device to a Site.
  • View information about the Juniper Networks devices linked to your organization from the Installed Base tab. You can also onboard supported devices to the Juniper Support Insights service from this tab.


    To access information about the Juniper Networks devices from the Installed Base tab, you must first link your Juniper Networks account to your organization from the Settings (Organization > Settings) page. For more information, see Integrate Your Juniper Support Resources to Your Organization.

    • The total number of devices categorized by device type. You can click on a device type to filter data for only that device type.

    • The percentage of your devices that are currently assured (connected to Juniper Mist Routing Assurance), attached (connected to Juniper Support Insights service), and not connected (not onboarded) to Juniper Support Insights.

    • The total number of devices whose hardware EOS dates are in the immediate future (in less than 3 months) and the total number of devices that are approaching their hardware EOS dates (in 3 to 6 months).

    For more information on the fields on the Installed Base tab, see Table 2.

  • You can also view the following information on the Installed Base tab:

    • Information on the security vulnerabilities published by the Juniper Security Incident Response (SIRT) team for the devices linked to your Juniper Networks account on the SIRT tab.

      To view the SIRT tab, click on the device to open the Device Details page, and click the SIRT tab. The SIRT tab displays a banner with the total counts of critical, high, medium, and low severity vulnerabilities for all devices.


      If Juniper Networks device is connected, the SIRT tab displays a list of security vulnerabilities specific to the Junos OS version installed on the Juniper Networks device. If a Juniper device is not connected, the SIRT tab displays a generic list of security vulnerabilities. To connect a device to Juniper Mist Routing Assurance, click Adopt Device, copy the outbound SSH commands and commit them on the device. For more information, see Adopt a Device.

      From the SIRT tab, you can access the Device SIRT Quick View to view more information about an advisory.

      To view the Device SIRT Quick View pane, select an entry in the SIRT tab and click the Quick View icon beside Adopt Device.

      For more information on the fields on the SIRT tab and Device SIRT Quick View pane, see Table 3.

    • Proactive bug notifications (PBNs) that provide information about the issues that affect the devices linked to your Juniper Networks account on the PBN tab.

      To view the PBN tab, click on the device to open the Device Details page, and click the PBN tab. The PBN tab displays a banner with the total counts of critical, major, and minor known problems for the device.

      To view the Device PBN Quick View pane, select an entry in the PBN tab and click the Quick View icon beside Adopt Device.

      For more information on the fields on the PBN tab and Device Quick View pane, see Table 4.

  • Download the Installed Base data in CSV format by clicking the Download icon on the top-right corner of the Installed Base table.


    If you open the downloaded CSV file with Microsoft Excel on a Mac computer, any non-English characters in the file might appear as special characters. To avoid this issue, follow the steps below:

    1. Open a new Excel file and then select File > Import > CSV File > Import.

    2. Select the file to be opened and then click Get Data.

      The Text Import Wizard window appears.

    3. Select Unicode (UTF-8) as File Origin.

    4. Click Finish.

  • Filter the data displayed in the table—Click the filter icon and select the fields you want to show or hide. You can also filter data based on keywords, enter the keywords in the search box. The filtered results are displayed on the same page.

Field Description

Table 1 lists the fields on the Inventory page.

Table 1: Fields on the Inventory Page
Field Description
Status Status of the device:
  • Connected—Device is connected to Juniper Mist Routing Assurance and assigned to a site.

  • Disconnected—The device is not assigned to a site. The device may or may not be connected to Juniper Mist Routing Assurance.

Name Name of the device.

MAC Address

MAC address assigned to the device.

Model Device model; for example ACX7100-48L and MX240.


Site to which the device is assigned.

Serial Number

Serial number of the device.

Table 2: Fields on the Installed Base Tab
Field Description
Serial Number Unique ID mapped to the device.
Action Provides access to the device utilities.

When a device status is attached or assured, then a vertical ellipsis (three dots) appear in the Action field, click on the ellipsis to access the device utilities.

Product SKU Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) number assigned to the device.
Status Shows device connection status. Values include:
  • Assured—The device is onboarded to the application from the Routers tab.

  • Attached—The device is onboarded to Juniper Mist Routing Assurance from the Installed Base tab.

Contract ID Service contract number assigned to the device.
HW EoS Date End of Service date for the device.
Sales Order Sales order number for the device.
Installed Address Location associated with the installed device.
Contract Type Type of active support coverage provided for the device. Example: Maintenance.
Contract Start Service contract start date for the device.
Ship Date Date on which the device was shipped to your company's site.
Distributor Distributor of the device.
Warranty Start Date Start date of warranty for the device.
Installed Address Address of the site where the device is installed.
HW EoL Date End of Life date for the device.
Customer PO Customer purchase order number for the device.
Model Model of the device.
Contract SKU SKU assigned to the active support coverage associated with the device.
Contract End Service contract end date for the device.
Reseller Reseller of the device.
Warranty Type Warranty type associated with the device. Example: Standard Hardware Warranty.
Warranty End Date End date of warranty for the device.
Table 3: Fields on the SIRT Tab on the Device Details Page
Field Description
JSA ID Unique value that identifies the security advisory on Juniper Networks Support Portal.
Title Synopsis of the security advisory.
Severity Severity rating of the security advisory. The values are:
  • Critical

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Affected Models Device models affected by the security advisory.
OS Versions Affected Junos or Junos Evo versions affected by the security advisory.
Release Date Date on which the security advisory was first published.
JSA Updated Date Date on which the security advisory was last updated.
Problem Description of the security advisory.
Solution Solution for the security vulnerability described in the advisory.
Workaround Detailed explanation on how to temporarily resolve the problem.
Affected Series Identifies one or more product series affected by the security advisory.
Release Notes Short description of the security advisory.
CVSS Score Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) severity assessment score of the advisory in the range of 0-10.

This field is available on the SIRT Quick View Pane only.

View SIRT details Link to the advisory in the Juniper Networks Support Portal.

You can view this link in the SIRT Quick View Pane.

Table 4: Fields on the PBN Tab on the Device Details Page
Field Description
ID Unique value that identifies the Problem Report.
Headline Synopsis of the problem.
Customer Risk Classification of the potential impact to the customer if the bug was encountered in the network. The values include:
  • Critical—Conditions that could severely affect service, capacity or traffic, billing, and maintenance capabilities.

  • Major—Conditions that could seriously affect system operation, maintenance, administration, and so on.

  • Minor—Conditions that would not significantly impair the functioning of the network or significantly affect services.

Bug Type Indicates the phase or activity during which the problem was discovered. Example: Day-1.
Trigger Describes the events that happened before or at the time the problem occurred, or the event that caused the problem.
Introduced In Junos or Junos Evo release where the problem was first found and reported.
Fixed In Junos or Junos Evo release in which the problem was resolved.
Release Notes Short description of the problem.
Restoration Indicates how the service can be restored when the problem occurs.

Values include:

  • Self-recovery—Service, traffic, or operation disruptions are automatically restored without any user intervention.

  • Not-possible—It is not possible to restore the service or traffic.

  • Manual—User intervention is required to restore the service, traffic, or operation disruption.

Restoration Steps Steps to restore the service when the problem occurs.
Workaround Detailed explanation of how to temporarily resolve the problem until a permanent resolution is available.
Workaround Provided Indicates whether a workaround for the problem is provided or not.

Values include:

  • Yes—Workaround is available and is described in the Workaround field.

  • Not-possible—There are no workarounds to the problem.

Product Family Identifies one or more products affected by the problem.