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Search Documentation Using Marvis Conversational Interface

Marvis Conversational Interface (CI) is an AI-enabled search interface that administrators can use to search documentation. Marvis CI supports natural language processing (NLP). Network administrators can use Marvis CI to quickly search for information about events or network issues from Juniper Networks Documentation (TechLibrary) and Knowledge Base. Marvis CI looks up relevant documentation repositories and generates the answer. This enables network administrators to resolve the issues faster without having to depend on multiple resources to obtain the required information.

  1. Log into Juniper Apstra Cloud Services.
  2. Click Marvis CI icon at the top left near the organization name or at the botton right of the UI.
    Marvis CI panel appears at the bottom right of the page.
  3. Enter the search string or key word that you want to look up.
    Marvis CI generates a response to your query and provides links to additional resources that provide the requested information.

    This feature is provided as a technology preview. For more information about technology previews, see Juniper Apstra Technology Preview.