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Configure an Alert Template

Juniper Apstra Cloud Services allows you to create alert templates to notify administrators about specific event types. You can apply an alert template to an organization to display only a filtered list of alerts on the Alerts page or send email notifications. If an alert template is not configured, all generated alerts are displayed on the Alerts page.

To create an alert template:

  1. Log into Juniper Apstra Cloud Services.
  2. Click Monitor > Alerts > Alerts Configuration.
  3. Click Create Template.
    1. Specify whether the template applies to the entire organization or for specific sites only.

    2. Specify a template name.

    3. Specify who should receive e-mail notifications (organization administrators, site administrators, or other specified e-mail addresses)

    4. Select Enable Alert and select the alert types that should be displayed on the Alerts page, and Email Notification to send email notification for the selected alerts.

  4. Click Create.
    The alert template is created.