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About the Dashboard Page

The Apstra Cloud Services dashboard provides operational insights about the performance of the data center network and the hosted services. These insights enable network administrators to quickly respond to network issues that impact end user experience.

To access this page, click Dashboard from the main menu. The dashboard provides information in the three tabs: Overview, Geographic View and Topology.

Overview Tab

The Overview tab provides three views of the data center network: individual site, site group, and for all sites in the organization. The site-level view provides information about the devices in the site, their role, anomalies in the devices, impact analysis information and so on, displayed in a set of predefined widgets. The information in these widgets gets updated on the basis of the information available for the selected site.

You can customize how widgets are displayed in the Overview tab. You can select the widgets that you want to appear in the overview tab. Click the Edit (pencil) icon at the top right of the page to show or hide widgets from the Overview tab. Also, you can resize or reorder the widget according to your lay out preferences. Click the ellipsis (...) at the top right of any widget to refresh the displayed information, resize, or to reorder the layout of the widget as shown in Figure 1.

You can also create a custom dashboard to monitor specific insights according to your network's requirements, by clicking Add Tab. You can then add the required widgets.

Widgets Displayed for Site Groups and All Sites

In the Overview tab, you can also view information for a site group or for all the sites in the organization. Use the filter at the top right to select a site group or All Sites. When a site group or All Sites is selected, the widgets display information about Apstra Controllers, version of Apstra installed, and so on. Figure 1 displays how the Overview tab looks when a site group or All Sites is selected.

Figure 1: Overview Tab for All Sites Overview Tab for All Sites
Table 1: Widgets Displayed for Site Group and All Sites

Widget Name


All Apstra Controllers

Displays memory, CPU, and disk utilization for Apstra controllers for the different sites.

Version Vs Instance

Number of Apstra instances running and their versions.

Summary Overview

Provides information about the total number of sites, devices, and the total number of anomalies generated.


Displays the total count of devices in the data center and their roles.

Key Anomalies

The Key Anomalies widget displays the total count of anomalies categorized by their severity levels, such as critical, warning, and low. The tile also lists the top three critical anomalies that need immediate attention.

Impact Analysis

The Impact Analysis widget provides the total number of devices that are impacted because of an anomaly and the total number services affected.

Widgets Displayed for a Single Site

You can select a single site to view site-level information in the Overview tab. The widgets in the page provide information specific to the site you selected. Figure 2 shows the widgets displayed on the Overview tab for a single site.

Figure 2: Widgets Displayed for a Single Site Widgets Displayed for a Single Site

In Figure 2, the Key Anomalies widget and the Anomalies tab in the right pane do show any data because no anomalies are reported in the site you selected. The widgets get updated depending on the information available for the selected site. Table 2 describes the widgets displayed for a single site.

Table 2: Widgets Displayed for a Single Site

Widget Name


Top 3 Services By Volume

Displays a graph listing the top three services by volume of data.

Summary Overview

Displays the number of devices and active services in the site and the count of anomalies generated.


Displays the total number of devices in the data center and their roles.

Site Details

Displays the Apstra version, number of physical and logical systems, and the anomalies reported.

Network Elements (Non-switch)

Displays the non-switch elements in the network and the number of anomalies reported in them.

Key Anomalies

Displays the top three key anomalies along with the total count of anomalies generated in the site.

Impact Analysis

Displays the total number of clients and services impacted.


The Anomalies tab in the right pane displays the anomalies that have occurred and also indicate how the anomalies are related to a key anomaly. An anomaly might trigger multiple related events. Expand the key anomaly to view the detailed list of anomalies related to the key anomaly. Often, the related events that are generated get resolved automatically when the event that triggered these anomalies is resolved. Such an event or anomaly is termed a key anomaly. Identifying and flagging key anomalies help administrators resolve issues faster. Identifying and flagging key anomalies also help reduce alert fatigue, which is a condition that administrators might face due to overwhelming number of anomalies of different levels of severity. Alert fatigue might lead to delayed response to anomalies or sometimes ignoring critical anomalies.

Geographic View Tab

The Geographic View tab helps view the location of the sites on the map, number of devices, and the anomalies if any in the devices. The icon for site on the map appears in blue if the site is operating normally. The icon appears as red if anomalies are reported in the site as shown in Figure 3. Hover over the icon to view the site details. In the pop-up that appears, you can view site information, such as the number of devices in the site, the version of Apstra installed in the site, and number of Apstra instances.

Figure 3: Geographic View Showing Anomalies Geographic View Showing Anomalies

Click the icon to zoom in to the exact location of the site on the city map. Click View Impact Analysis as shown in Figure 4. You are prompted to select the site. After you select the site, you are redirected to the Impact Analysis page.

Figure 4: Dashboard - Geographic View Dashboard - Geographic View

Topology Tab

The Topology View tab provides a graphical representation of the physical topology of the data center fabric, providing information about how devices are connected to one another, their roles, and the count of anomalies, if any, generated in the devices. The topology view displays the data center network in three layers - host, leaf, and spine.

Figure 5: Topology View Topology View