You can resolve non-compliance issues of devices from the Compliance tab.
The reasons for non-compliance are:
License expired—A feature license has expired.
Expired but not used—A feature license has expired and the
feature is not used on the device.
Feature usage without license—A feature is used without a
License over usage—A device uses more bandwidth than the
allocated license capacity.
To resolve a non-compliance issue:
Navigate to Organization > Licensing.
Click the Compliance tab.
The Compliance page appears.
Select the option button next to the serial number of the device that is
The Resolve button appears.
Click Resolve.
The Compliance Resolution pop-up appears, displaying the non-compliant features and a
list of recommended entitlements SKUs that can resolve the non-compliance issues on a
The Recommended License SKU section lists the single SKU and the combination SKUs that
can resolve the non-compliance issues.
Single SKU recommendation—A single SKU that can resolve the non-compliance
issues on a device.
Combination SKUs Recommendation—A combination of two or more SKUs that can
resolve the non-compliance issues on a device.
The recommended SKUs that can resolve the non-compliance issues are listed based on
certain prioritization criteria. The criteria are:
Purchase status of the SKU—Purchased SKUs are prioritized and listed
Number of non-compliance issues the SKU can resolve—SKUs that can resolve
multiple non-compliance issues are given priority.
Compatibility between the SKU and the Junos OS version installed on the
Contract period of the purchased SKU
By default, a suitable SKU that can resolve the non-compliance issues on the device is
selected from the list of recommended SKUs.
Alternatively, you can manually select SKUs from the list rather than using the SKU
that is selected by default. Click See More SKUs to view the
You can select entitlement SKUs only if they are part of your purchased
repository and added to the entitlement group. However, even if the recommended
SKUs are not part of your purchased repository or the entitlement group, you can
still view the recommendations. You must purchase the entitlements to activate the
entitlement SKUs on the device.
Once you purchase an entitlement, it takes a few seconds for the entitlement SKU
to be listed in the recommended SKUs section and to activate it on the device.
Click Activate to resolve the non-compliance issue.
The Activate button appears only when you have the entitlement in your
A banner appears indicating that the activation request is submitted successfully. You
can track the progress of the activation request in the Audit Logs
(Organization > Audit Logs) page. Once activated, the
license is listed under the Activations (Organization > Licensing >
Activations) tab.