Installing the JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 6 Interim Fix 01 Software Update
JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 6 Interim Fix 01 resolves reported issues from users and administrators from previous JSA versions. This cumulative software update fixes known software issues in your JSA deployment. JSA software updates are installed by using an SFS file. The software update can update all appliances attached to the JSA Console.
The file can upgrade the following JSA version to JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 6 Interim Fix 01:
JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 6
This document does not cover all the installation messages and requirements, such as changes to appliance memory requirements or browser requirements for JSA. For more information, see the Juniper Secure Analytics Upgrading JSA to 7.5.0.
Ensure that you take the following precautions:
Back up your data before you begin any software upgrade. For more information about backup and recovery, see the Juniper Secure Analytics Administration Guide.
To avoid access errors in your log file, close all open JSA webUI sessions.
The software update for JSA cannot be installed on a managed host that is at a different software version from the Console. All appliances in the deployment must be at the same software revision to update the entire deployment.
Verify that all changes are deployed on your appliances. The update cannot install on appliances that have changes that are not deployed.
If this is a new installation, administrators must review the instructions in the Juniper Secure Analytics Installation Guide.
To install the JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 6 Interim Fix 01 software update: