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Installing the JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 5

To install JSA software:

To install the JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 5 ISO:

  1. Download the 7.5.0.UP5.iso from the Juniper Customer Support website.
  2. Using SSH, log in to the Console as the root user.
  3. To run the ISO installer on the Console, type the following command:



    Installing JSA 7.5.0 should take approximately 2 hours on a Console appliance.

  4. Wait for the Console primary update to complete.

    In JSA 7.3.1 Patch 6, a kernel update was introduced to address issues with appliances failing to log in or list unit files. These issues could prevent the appliance from rebooting. This new kernel does not take effect until the appliance is rebooted. You might need to reboot your system manually for the kernel update to take effect.

    To work around this issue, you must perform a restart of the appliance. To do this, type the reboot command.


    A summary of the ISO installation advises you of any issues. If there are no issues, use SSH to log in to the managed hosts and start the installer on each host to run the setup in parallel.