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Known Issues and Limitations

The known issues addressed in the JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 4 Interim Fix 01 are listed below:

  • Docker services fail to start on JSA appliances that were originally installed at JSA release 2014.8 or earlier, then upgraded to 7.5.0 Update Package 2 Interim Fix 02 or 7.5.0 Update Package 3.

    Before updating to JSA 7.5.0 Update Package 2 Interim Fix 02, run the following command from the JSA Console:

    xfs_info /store | grep ftype

    Review the output to confirm the ftype setting. If the output setting displays "ftype=0", do not proceed with the upgrade to 7.5.0 Update Package 2 Interim Fix 02 or 7.5.0 Update Package 3.

    See KB69793 for additional details.

  • If your network connection is behind a firewall, the App Host is unable to communicate with your Console.

    To workaround this issue, remove encryption from the App Host and open the following ports on any firewall between your App Host and Console: 514, 443, 5000, 9000.

  • After you install JSA 7.5.0, your applications might go down temporarily while they are being upgraded to the latest base image.

  • When a JSA system is being built and a reboot occurs during the install configuration, the User Interface admin password can sometimes fail to be set correctly.


    Change the admin account password in the command-line interface.


    This procedure requires that you restart the Tomcat service and deploy changes, resulting in a temporary loss of access to the JSA user interface while services restart. Administrators can complete this procedure during a scheduled maintenance window as users are logged out, exports in the process are interrupted, and scheduled reports might need to be restarted manually.

    • If you do not have access to the admin account from the user interface, it can be necessary to change the admin password from the command-line interface.

      1. Using SSH, log in to the JSA Console as the root user.

      2. To change the admin user password, type:

        /opt/qradar/support/ -a

      3. Enter the new password as prompted.

      4. Confirm the new password.

      5. To restart the user interface, type:

        systemctl restart tomcat


        This command works on JSA versions at JSA 7.3.x and later.

      6. Log in to the user interface as an administrator.

      7. Click Admin tab > Advanced > Deploy Full Configuration.


      Performing a Deploy Full Configuration results in services being restarted. While services are restarting, event processing stops until services restart. Scheduled reports that are in progress need to be manually restarted by users. Administrators with strict outage policies are advised to complete the Deploy Full Configuration step during a scheduled maintenance window for their organization.


      After the service restarts, the admin account password is changed.