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Microsoft DNS Debug source

The Microsoft DNS Debug source monitors DNS Debug logs, which provide detailed data about all DNS information that is sent and received by the DNS server. This data is similar to the data that can be gathered using packet capture tools such as network monitor.


DNS debug logging can affect system performance and disk space, because it provides detailed data about information that the DNS server sends and receives. Enable DNS debug logging only when you require this information.

Table 1: Microsoft DNS Debug source parameters
Parameter Description
Type Microsoft DNS Debug
Root directory Default Value = No default value, as the file location is configured when you set up DNS Server debugging.

You no longer need to enter the UNC path for remote sources.

Filename pattern The regular expression (regex) required to match the DNS debug log file set in the DNS manager.

For Example, dnslog.log

File reader type Reads the contents of the file. Both options have basic Unicode encoding support for byte-order marks.
Text (file held open) WinCollect maintains a shared read and write lock on the monitored log file.
Text (file open when reading) WinCollect maintains a shared read and write lock on the log file only when it reads the file.
Include details Select this option if you have configured Details in the Other options section when configuring the logging.

Supported versions of Microsoft DNS Debug

The WinCollect Microsoft DNS Debug plug-in is not supported on versions of Microsoft DNS Debug that are designated end-of-life by Microsoft. After the software is beyond the Extended Support End Date, the product might still function as expected. However, Juniper does not make code or vulnerability fixes to resolve WinCollect issues for older software versions.