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Tune Your Asset Discovery Performance

Adjust and optimize the speed and accuracy at which services are discovered on your assets.

You must have the correct license capabilities to perform the following scanning operations. If you need assistance to obtain a new or updated license key, contact your Juniper Customer Support.

Tune your discovery performance from the Discovery Performance tab of your scan policy. You can use the default configuration as a fast and efficient way to discover your assets.

Use the following options to tune your asset discovery performance:

  • Maximum retries

    Scan times can increase when you increase Maximum retries number but when you set this number too low, the accuracy of your scan results might be impacted.

  • Minimum timeout interval

    The scan timeout interval is reduced to the minimum level that is configured when the network is reliable.

  • Initial timeout interval

    Nmap adjusts the timeout value in response to previous probes. If latency increases, the timeout value is increased. If you decrease both the initial timeout and the maximum timeout intervals too low, the scan times might be faster, but you risk having to retransmit.

  • Scan delay

    Use this setting to adjust the delay between scan probes. If your devices use rate limiting, then you can synchronize the scan delay with the rate-limiting value to achieve the optimum scan times.

  • Minimum packets per second

    Nmap sends packets at the highest possible rate that your network tolerates, between the Minimum packets per second rate and the Maximum packets per second rate.

  • Maximum packets per second

    By default, this field is empty because Nmap dynamically sets an appropriate packet speed for your network. If you want, you can configure your own rate.