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Scan Configuration

In JSA Vulnerability Manager, all network scanning is controlled by the scan profiles that you create. You can create multiple scan profiles and configure each profile differently depending on the specific requirements of your network.

You must have the correct license capabilities to perform the following scanning operations. If you need assistance to obtain a new or updated license key, contact your Juniper Customer Support.

Scan Profiles

Use scan profiles to do the following tasks:

  • Specify the network nodes, domains, or virtual domains that you want to scan.

  • Specify the network assets that you want to exclude from scans.

  • Create operational windows, which define the times at which scans can run.

  • Manually run scan profiles or schedule a scan to run at a future date.

  • Run, pause, resume, cancel or delete a single or multiple scans.

  • Use centralized credentials to run Windows, UNIX, or Linux operating systems.

  • Scan the assets from a saved asset search.