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Identify Network Assets

Identify network assets that you might want to include in your building blocks.

Use the following table as a reference to help you create building blocks.

Table 1: Identifying Network Assets


How to Identify and Examples

Building Block

NAT Address

IP addresses and/or CIDR blocks that are used for Network Address Translation (NAT). These are commonly configured on firewalls and routers.

BB-NetworkDefinition: NAT Address Range.

Network and Desktop Management Servers

Altiris, BindView, CA Unicenter, CiscoWorks, Dell OpenManage, HP OpenView, IBM Director, Marimba, McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator, Norton Antivirus server, Tivoli, Sitescope, Sophos server, SMS, What's Up Gold.

BB-HostDefinition: Network Management Servers.

Proxy Servers

In-Line PaloAlto firewalls, Sidewinder, ISA, Bluecoat, Microsoft Proxy Server, Squid, Websense, Wingate.

BB-HostDefinition: Proxy Servers.

Server Networks

CIDRs used by data centers or server populations.

BB-HostDefinition: Server Networks.

Vulnerability/ Security Scanners

Acunetix, CyberCop Scanner, Foundstone, HackerShield, ISS Internet Scanner, Nessus, Retina, nCircle, Nmap.

BB-HostDefinition: VA Scanner Source ID.