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Importing Policy Monitor Questions

SUMMARY Import one or more Policy Monitor questions to JSA Risk Manager. The import process does not update existing questions. Each question that is imported becomes a new question in Policy Monitor. A timestamp is added to all imported questions.

If an imported question contains a dependency, a warning is displayed in the Status column. Imported questions with dependencies contain parameters with no values. To ensure that imported Policy Monitor questions work as expected, you must enter values for the parameters.

Monitoring is not enabled on imported questions. You can create an event to monitor results of questions that were imported.

  1. On the Risks tab, click Policy Monitor.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Import.
  3. Click Choose File, and then browse to select the XML file that you want to import.
  4. Click Open.
  5. Select one or more groups to assign the question to a group.
  6. Click Import Question.
  7. Check the Status column for warnings. If a question contains a warning, open the question and edit the dependent parameters. Save the question when you update parameters.