Policy Compliance and Policy Risk Changes
SUMMARY Use the JSA Risk Manager Policy Management pages to view details about policy compliance and policy risk changes for assets, policies, and policy checks.
The JSA Risk Manager Policy Management pages display data from the last run policy. You can filter the data by asset, by policy, or by policy check.
Policy Management Use Cases
Use the Policy Management pages with Risk dashboard items to find more information about assets and policies that failed compliance.
- The By Asset page includes information and links to the policies that the assets failed.
- The By Policy page includes information about the number and percentage of assets that passed or failed and, if relevant, a link to the policy checks the policy uses.
- The By Policy Check page includes information about the number and percentages of assets that pass or fail individual policy checks.
Use the Policy Management pages with Risk Change dashboard items to investigate policies and policy checks that display increases in risk. The Risk Change dashboard item contains links to the By Policy and By Policy Checks pages. For more information about configuring dashboards for policy monitoring and monitoring risk change, see the Juniper Secure Analytics Users Guide.