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Get Started with JSA Risk Manager

JSA Risk Manager is a separately installed appliance. Use JSA Risk Manager to monitor device configurations, simulating changes to your network environment, and prioritize risks and vulnerabilities in your network.

JSA Risk Manager is accessed from the Risks tab on the JSA console.

JSA Risk Manager enhances JSA by providing administrators with tools to complete the following tasks:

  • Centralize risk management.

  • Use a topology to view your network.

  • Configure and monitor network devices.

  • View connections between network devices.

  • Search firewall rules.

  • View existing rules and the event count for triggered rules.

  • Search for devices and paths for your network devices.

  • Monitor and audit your network to ensure compliance.

  • Define, schedule, and run exploit simulations on your network.

  • Search for vulnerabilities.

Centralized risk management and compliance for increased intelligence of information might involve the cooperation of many internal teams. As a next generation SIEM with an additional Risk Management appliance, we reduce the number of steps that are required from first-generation SIEM products. We provide network topology and risk assessment for assets that are managed in JSA.

During the evaluation process, you consolidate your system, security, risk analysis, and network information through aggregation and correlation, providing complete visibility into your network environment. You also define a portal to your environment, which provides visibility and efficiency that you cannot achieve by using manual processes and other point product technologies.