After you establish the initial connection, JSA console is the only device that can communicate directly
with JSA Risk Manager.
You must download the adapter files to your JSA console, and then copy them to JSA Risk Manager.
- Using SSH, log in to your JSA console as
the root user.
- Download the compressed file for the JSA Risk Manager adapters from to your JSA console.
- To copy the compressed file from your JSA console to JSA Risk Manager, type the following command:
scp root@IP_address:
The IP_address option is the IP address
or host name of JSA Risk Manager.
For example:
scp root@
- On your JSA Risk Manager appliance, type
the password for the root user.
- Using SSH from your JSA console, log in to
your JSA Risk Manager appliance as the root user.
- To unpack and install the adapters, type the following
commands from the root directory that contains the compressed file:
yum install -y adapters*.rpm
For example:
yum install -y adapters*.rpm
Note: For JSA Risk Manager versions prior to 2014.8
use the rpm command
For example:
rpm -Uvh adapters*.rpm
- To restart the services for the ziptie server
and complete the installation, type the following command:
service ziptie-server restart
Note: Restarting the services for the ziptie server
interrupts any device backups that are in progress from Configuration
Source Management.