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POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name}

SUMMARY Updates an existing bonded network interface.

Table 1: POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name} resource details:

POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name} resource details



Table 2: POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name} request parameter details:

POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name} request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description




Number (Integer)


Required - The ID of the server.






Required - The name of an existing bonded network interface. The interface cannot be the management interface or HA crossover interface. The interface must be cable linked.

Table 3: POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name} request body details:

POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name} request body details

Parameter Data Type MIME Type Description Sample




Required - The details of the bonded network interface that contains the following fields:
  • role - String - The role of the network interface. One of: regular, monitor, disabled
  • ipversion - String - The verson of the IP address that is configured on the network interface. one of: ipv4, ipv6.
  • ip - String - The IP address that is configured on the network interface. This parameter is required when ipversion is ipv4 or (ipversion is ipv6 and is_auto_ip is false). The subnet that is computed from the IP address and the mask must not be the same subnet that is configured on the management interface.
  • mask - String - The netmask that is configured on the network interface. This parameter is equired when ipversion is ipv4. The subnet that is computed from the IP address and the mask must not be the same subnet that is configured on the management interface.
  • is_auto_ip - Boolean - Is the IP address auto-configured? Required.
  • is_moving_config_with_active_ha - Boolean - Applies the same settings to a new active HA server during failover. This parameter can be true only when the server host is an active HA server host
  • slaves - Array - The slave ethernet interfaces of the bonded interface. Each slave interface has one field: device_name. The device_name must be an existing ethernet interface wthat cannot be the management interface, the HA crossover interface, or a slave interface of another bonded network interface. If slaves are not null, the slaves in this array will override the existing slaves of the bonded interface. When not null, the array must contain at least one ethernet interface. If null, the endpoint does not change the existing slave interfaces.
  • bonding_opts - String - The bonding options that are configured on the bonded network interface

{ "bonding_opts": "String", "ip": "String", "ipversion": "String <one of: ipv4, ipv6>", "is_auto_ip": true, "is_moving_config_with_active_ha": true, "mask": "String", "role": "String <one of: regular, management, hacrossover, hacrossover_disabled, monitor, disabled, slave, slave_disabled>", "slaves": [ { "device_name": "String" } ] }

Table 4: POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name} response codes:

POST /system/servers/{server_id}/network_interfaces/bonded/{device_name} response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The bonded network interface was updated.



The requested server with the given server ID cannot be found.



The ip address has been used by another network interface.



One or more parameters are invalid in request.



An error occurred while trying to update the specified bonded interfaces on the server with the given ID.



Timeout while performing the task.

Response Description

The updated bonded network interface that contains the following fields:
  • device_name - String - The name of the network interface.
  • role - String - The role of the network interface. One of: regular, management, hacrossover, hacrossover_disabled, monitor, disabled.
  • ipversion - String - The verson of the IP address that is configured on the network interface. one of: ipv4, ipv6
  • ip - String - The IP address that is configured on the network interface.
  • mask - String - The netmask that is configured on the network interface.
  • is_auto_ip - Boolean - Is the IP address auto-configured?
  • is_moving_config_with_active_ha - Boolean - Applies the same settings to a new active HA server during failover.
  • bonding_opts - String - The bonding options that are configured on the bonded network interface.
  • slaves - Array - The slave ethernet interfaces of the bonded interface. Each slave interface has two fields: device_name and role. The role is slave or slave_disabled.

Response Sample