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GET /config/event_sources/wincollect/wincollect_agents/{id}

SUMMARY Retrieves a WinCollect agent by ID.

Table 1: GET /config/event_sources/wincollect/wincollect_agents/{id} resource details:

GET /config/event_sources/wincollect/wincollect_agents/{id} resource details



Table 2: GET /config/event_sources/wincollect/wincollect_agents/{id} request parameter details:

GET /config/event_sources/wincollect/wincollect_agents/{id} request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description




Number (Integer)


The id of the WinCollect Agent to retrieve






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.

Table 3: GET /config/event_sources/wincollect/wincollect_agents/{id} response codes:

GET /config/event_sources/wincollect/wincollect_agents/{id} response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description



The WinCollect agent ID was not found.

Response Description

A WinCollectAgentDTO represents the WinCollect Agent associated to the supplied id
  • id - Integer - ID of the WinCollect agent.
  • name - String - The name of the WinCollect agent.
  • description - String - An optional description of the WinCollect agent.
  • host - String - The IP address or hostname of the WinCollect agent.
  • version - String - The version of the WinCollect agent.
  • os_version - String - The operating system version of the host that the agent is running on.
  • status - Enumeration - The status of the agent in JSA. Possible values are NO_COMMUNICATION_FROM_AGENT, RUNNING, STOPPED, or UNAVAILABLE (set when the Windows host reboots).
  • enabled - Boolean - Set to 'true' if the agent is enabled or running; otherwise, it is set to 'false' if the agent is deliberately disabled or turned off.
  • autoupdates_enabled - Boolean - Set to 'true' if the agent is allowed to autonomously request configuration and software updates from JSA; otherwise, set to 'false' if the agent is not allowed to receive updates.
  • autodiscovered - Boolean - Set to 'true' if the agent was created when an agent registered with JSA. Otherwise, set to 'false' if a user manually created the agent before the agent initiated communication.
  • last_heartbeat_time - Long - The date/time (in milliseconds since epoch) that a heartbeat signal from the agent was last received.
  • last_config_generation_time - Long - The date/time (in milliseconds since epoch) that the agent's configuration file was last generated in JSA.

Response Sample