PATCH /config/event_sources/log_source_management/log_source_types/dsm_parameter_configuration/dsm_parameters
SUMMARY Create new dsm parameters or Update available dsm parameters.
- id - Long- The id of the dsm parameter. If field id exist it considers as an update otherwise it is a create action.
- value - String - The value of the dsm parameter. Cannot be empty. Must be 8192 characters or less.
- dsm_parameter_definition_id - Long - The id of the corresponding dsmparameterdefinition.
- sensor_device_type_id - Long - The id of the corresponding sensordevicetype.
- event_collector_id - Long - The id of the corresponding eventcollector component.
MIME Type |
application/json |
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Data Type | MIME Type | Description |
Range |
header |
Optional |
String |
text/plain |
Optional - Use this parameter to restrict the number of elements that are returned in the list to a specified range. The list is indexed starting at zero. |
filter |
header |
Optional |
String |
text/plain |
Optional - This parameter is used to restrict the elements in a list base on the contents of various fields. |
fields |
header |
Optional |
String |
text/plain |
Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas. |
Parameter | Data Type | MIME Type | Description | Sample |
dsm_paramaters |
Array<Object> |
application/json |
null |
[ { "dsm_parameter_definition_id": 42, "event_collector_id": 42, "id": 42, "sensor_device_type_id": 42, "value": "String" } ] |
HTTP Response Code | Unique Code | Description |
207 |
The dsm parameters were created/updated successfully. |
422 |
1001 |
The provided dsm_parameter_definition_id is not valid. |
422 |
1002 |
The provided event_collector_id is not valid. |
422 |
1003 |
The provided sensor_device_type_id is not valid. |
422 |
1004 |
The provided value is not valid. |
422 |
1005 |
The provided dsm parameter id is invalid. |
422 |
1006 |
A record with the same (dsm_parameter_definition_id, event_collector_id, sensor_device_type_id) already exists. |
500 |
1020 |
An error occurred while attempting to create the dsm parameter. |
Response Description
- id - Long- The id of the created/updated dsm parameter.
- value - String - The value of the dsm parameter. Cannot be empty. Must be 8192 characters or less.
- dsm_parameter_definition - The corresponding dsm parameter definition object.
- sensor_device_type_id - Long - The id of the corresponding sensordevicetype.
- event_collector_id - Long - The id of the corresponding eventcollector component.
Response Sample
[ { "dsm_parameter_definition": { "allowed_values": [ { "dsm_parameter_definition_id": 42, "id": 42, "name": "String", "sort_index": 42, "value": "String" } ], "default_value": "String", "description_localization_key": "String", "id": 42, "internal_name": "String", "max_length": 42, "max_value": 42, "min_length": 42, "min_value": 42, "name_localization_key": "String", "pattern": "String", "pattern_description": "String", "sort_index": 42, "type": "String" }, "event_collector_id": 42, "id": 42, "sensor_device_type_id": 42, "value": "String" } ]