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GET /backup_and_restore/backups

SUMMARY Retrieves a list of backups.

Retrieves a list of backups.

Table 1: GET /backup_and_restore/backups resource details:

GET /backup_and_restore/backups resource details



Table 2: GET /backup_and_restore/backups request parameter details:

GET /backup_and_restore/backups request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description






Optional - This parameter is used to sort the elements in a list.






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.






Optional - This parameter is used to restrict the elements in a list base on the contents of various fields.






Optional - Use this parameter to restrict the number of elements that are returned in the list to a specified range. The list is indexed starting at zero.

Table 3: GET /backup_and_restore/backups response codes:

GET /backup_and_restore/backups response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The backups were retrieved.



The Sort field must be one of the following fields: [id, host_id, name, description, type, version, time_initiated, time_completed, initiated_by, status, size_on_disk, content_file_path].



An error occurred during the attempt to retrieve the backups.

Response Description

An array of backup objects. Backup objects contain the following fields:
  • id - Long - The ID of the backup.
  • configuration_id - Long - The ID of the configuration. This will always be 1. See the Backup Configuration APIs for more information:
    • api/config/backup_and_restore/scheduled_backup_configurations
    • api/staged_config/backup_and_restore/scheduled_backup_configurations
  • host_id - Long - The host that corresponds with the backup. For more information, see the following Hosts API:
    • api/config/deployment/hosts
  • name - String - The name of the backup.
  • description - String - An optional description of the backup.
  • type - Enumeration - The backup type. The following values are available: CONFIG, DATA.
  • version - String - The JSA version that corresponds to the backup.
  • time_initiated - Long - The number of milliseconds since epoch when the backup was started.
  • time_completed - Long - The number of milliseconds since epoch when the backup completed.
  • initiated_by - String - The user or authorized service that started the backup.
  • status - Enumeration - The status of the backup. The following values are available: INITIALIZING, IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, SUCCESS, CANCELLING, DELETING, MISSING.
    • INITIALIZING: The initial state of the backup when it is created. In this state a backup object is created and a request to the Backup and Restore Engine is sent.
    • IN_PROGRESS: When the backup request is received by the Backup and Restore Engine, the status is updated IN_PROGRESS.
    • FAILED: If the backup has completed with errors, the status is updated to FAILED.
    • SUCCESS: If the backup has completed without errors, the status is updated to SUCCESS.
    • CANCELLING: CANCELLING: If a request is sent from the API to delete a backup that is in progress, after the request is received by the Backup and Restore Engine, the backup status is updated to CANCELLING.
    • DELETING: If a request is sent to delete a backup, after the request is received by the Backup and Restore Engine the backup status is updated to DELETING. The backup record, along with the backup file, is deleted.
    • MISSING: If the backup file for a backup record is moved or deleted outside of the control of the Backup and Restore Engine, the status of that record is updated to MISSING.
  • size_on_disk - Long - The size of the backup in bytes.
  • content_file_path - String - The file path that corresponds to the backup contents.
  • is_valid - Boolean - If the associated backup file, backup manifest and its properties are all in working order, the condition is set to 'true'; otherwise, the condition is set to 'false'.  Some examples as to why the backup might not be valid are as follows:
    • The backup manifest is missing properties.
    • Unable to retrieve the backup manifest.
    • The backup from a non-HA standby system cannot be restored on a Console that is configured as a HA standby system.
    • The backup and the host product names do not match.
    • The backup and the host appliance names do not match.
    • The backup uses the current Console IP address for the non-Console managed host.
  • is_version_compatible - Boolean - If the associated backup version is compatible with the system the condition is set to 'true'; otherwise, the condition is set to 'false'.

Response Sample