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GET /analytics/building_blocks

SUMMARY Retrieves a list of building block rules.

Retrieves a list of building block rules.

Table 1: GET /analytics/building_blocks resource details:

GET /analytics/building_blocks resource details



Table 2: GET /analytics/building_blocks request parameter details:

GET /analytics/building_blocks request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description






Optional - Use this parameter to restrict the number of elements that are returned in the list to a specified range. The list is indexed starting at zero.






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.






Optional - This parameter is used to restrict the elements in a list base on the contents of various fields.

Table 3: GET /analytics/building_blocks response codes:

GET /analytics/building_blocks response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The building block rules were retrieved.



A request parameter is not valid.



An error occurred during the attempt to retrieve the building block rules.

Response Description

An array of Building Block Rule objects. An Building Block Rule object contains the following fields:
  • id - Long - The sequence ID of the building block rule.
  • name - String - The name of the building block rule.
  • building_block_type - String - The type of building block rule: EVENT, FLOW, COMMON, USER.
  • enabled - Boolean - True if the building block rule is enabled.
  • owner - String - The owner of the building block rule.
  • origin - String - The origin of the building block rule: SYSTEM, OVERRIDE, USER.
  • base_capacity - Long - The base capacity of the building block rule in events per second.
  • base_host_id - Long - The ID of the host from which the building block rule's base capacity was determined
  • average_capacity - Long - The moving average capacity, in EPS, of the building block rule across all hosts.
  • capacity_timestamp - Long - The epoch timestamp, in milliseconds, since the building block's capacity values were last updated.
  • identifier - String - The unique ID of the rule. This value is typically in the form of a UUID, with the exception of legacy system rules.
  • linked_rule_identifier - String - The linked ID of the rule. This value is typically in the form of a UUID, with the exception of legacy system rules, and varies depending on the rule's origin as follows:
    • SYSTEM - The identifier value of the override rule, if one exists. If the system rule has not been overridden, the value will be null.
    • OVERRIDE - The identifier value of the system rule being overridden.
    • USER - The value will be null.
  • creation_date - Long - The number of milliseconds since epoch when the rule was created.
  • modification_date - Long - The number of milliseconds since epoch when the rule was last modified.

Response Sample