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GET /staged_config/deploy_status

SUMMARY Retrieves the status of a deploy in progress.

Retrieves the status of a deploy in progress.

Table 1: GET /staged_config/deploy_status resource details:

GET /staged_config/deploy_status resource details



There are no parameters for this endpoint.

Table 2: GET /staged_config/deploy_status response codes:

GET /staged_config/deploy_status response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The deploy status was successfully retrieved.



An error occurred during the attempt to retrieve the status of the running deploy,

Response Description

The deploy status object. A deploy status object contains the following fields:
  • initiated_by - String - The name of the user who initiated the deploy.
  • initiated_from - String - The hostname from where the deploy was initiated.
  • type - String - The type of deploy: FULL or INCREMENTAL.
  • status - String - The status of the deploy: UNKNOWN, START, DONE.
  • hosts - Map of < String, List of String > - A map of status states and a list of hosts.
  • error_message - String - The deployment error message.
  • has_errors - Boolean - True if the deploy has encountered an error.
  • percent_complete - Integer - The percentage of completion of the deploy. ( 0 - 100 )

Response Sample