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POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id}

SUMMARY Updates a tagged field specified by an id. You must have the ADMIN | SAASADMIN capability to use this endpoint.

Updates a tagged field specified by an id. You must have the ADMIN | SAASADMIN capability to use this endpoint.

Table 1: POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id} resource details:

POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id} resource details



Table 2: POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id} request parameter details:

POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id} request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description




Number (Integer)


The ID of the tagged field that you want to update.

Table 3: POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id} request body details:

POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id} request body details

Parameter Data Type MIME Type Description Sample




The updated structure for the tagged field. Only the category_id and description fields can be set when updating a tagged field. All other fields are ignored.
  • category_id - Integer - The ID of the logical group that this tagged field belongs to in the UI.
  • description - String - (Optional) Description for the tagged field.

{ "category_id": 42, "description": "String" }

Table 4: POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id} response codes:

POST /ariel/taggedfields/{id} response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The tagged field was updated.



The specified ID does not exist.



The specified category ID is invalid.



An error occurred while updating the tagged field.

Response Description

The updated tagged field with the specified ID. A tagged field object contains the following fields:
  • id - Long - The ID of the tagged field.
  • tag - Integer - Unique number for this tagged field. This is a system-generated number produced from the private_enterprise_number and the element_id fields.
  • name - String - The name of the tagged field.
  • category_id - Integer - The ID of the logical group that this tagged field belongs to in the UI.
  • is_array - Boolean - Specifies whether the tagged field is a list.
  • description - String - (Optional) Description for the tagged field.
  • type - String - The type of the tagged field. Possible values are: NULL, STRUCT, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, UnsignedByte, UnsignedShort, UnsignedInt, UnsignedLong, BigInteger, Double, Float, Port, Host, HostV4V6, HostV6, MACAddress, String, ByteArray, UnsignedIntHex, Boolean, Binary
  • uuid - String - The ID for this tagged field, represented as a UUID.
  • modified_date - Long - The time that the tagged field was last modified, specified in milliseconds since epoch.
  • creation_date - Long - The time that the tagged field was created, specified in milliseconds since epoch.

Response Sample