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Parsing DNS Query and Response Fields

The DNS Query and DNS Response fields were removed. You can still view the DNS response data by including more granular DNS data fields in your search results. For more information about the DNS data fields that you can use, see Enriched Inspection.

SUMMARY The following information can help you parse the data in the DNS Query and DNS Response fields.

The DNS Query and DNS Response fields are populated only if the flow has data on a DNS query or DNS response, and the inspection level is set to Enriched or Advanced.

DNS query

The DNS Query field uses this format, which is described in the following table:
Table 1: Format for DNS Query Field
Field Description
Transaction ID Used by the DNS client and server to identify the transaction when it matches a request to a response.
Flags A value of R indicates that recursion was requested; otherwise, the field is empty.

When recursion is requested and enabled, the DNS server makes queries on behalf of the client to resolve the domain name.

Query domain The domain name that was requested to be resolved.
Request type Identifies the type of resource information that was requested, as defined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Some of the most common requests types include IPv4 host address (A), IPv6 address (AAAA), canonical domain name for the alias (CNAME), the authoritative name server for the domain (NS), and name of the mail exchange server (MX).

For example, this DNS query is parsed like this:
  • The transaction ID is 51736.
  • Recursion was requested.
  • The bracketed location shows the domain name to be resolved.
  • The resource information that is requested is the IPv4 host address.

DNS Response

The DNS Response field uses this format, which is described in the following table:

Table 2: Format for DNS Response Field
Field Description
Transaction ID Used by the DNS client and server to identify the transaction when it matches a request to a response.
Flags Might be empty, or some combination of A,R, and T where
  • A means that the response is authoritative.
  • R means that recursion is available.
  • T means that the response was truncated.
Query domain The domain name that was requested to be resolved.
Response code A response code of 0 means that no errors were encountered. All other response code values indicate some type of error. For example, the query might be formatted improperly or the domain name might not exist.
Num answers The number of regular answer records that were returned by the query.
Num authority The number of authority answer records that were returned by the query.
Num additional The number of extra answer records that were returned by the query.
Answers The list of answer responses that were returned by the query.

Each answer is separated by the "|" symbol. Authority and additional answers have the same format as regular answers, and are denoted as authority and additional answers based on their location in the answers list.