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Searching Assets

You can search host profiles, assets, and identity information. Identity information provides more details, such as DNS information, user logins, and MAC addresses on your network.

When you access the Assets tab, the Asset page is displayed populated with all discovered assets in your network. To refine this list, you can configure search parameters to display only the asset profiles you want to investigate.

To search the assets:

  1. Click the Assets tab.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Asset Profiles.
  3. On the toolbar, click Search >New Search.
  4. If you want to load a saved search, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Group list, select the asset search group that you want to display in the Available Saved Searches list.

    2. Choose one of the following options:

      • In the Type Saved Search or Select from List field, type the name of the search you want to load.

      • In the Available Saved Searches list, select the saved search that you want to load.

    3. Click Load.

  5. In the Search Parameters pane, define your search criteria:
    1. In the first list, select the asset parameter that you want to search for.

      For example, Hostname, Vulnerability Risk Classification, or Technical Owner.

    2. In the second list, select the modifier that you want to use for the search.

    3. In the Entry field, type specific information that is related to your search parameter.

    4. Click Add Filter.

    5. Repeat these steps for each filter that you want to add to the search criteria.

  6. Click Search.

You receive a notification that CVE ID: CVE-2010-000 is being actively exploited. To determine whether any hosts in your deployment are vulnerable to this exploit, complete the following steps:

  1. From the list of search parameters, select Vulnerability External Reference.

  2. Select CVE.

  3. To view a list of all hosts that are vulnerable to that specific CVE ID, type the following command:


For more information, see the Open Source Vulnerability Database and the National Vulnerability Database.