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Adding an Authorized Service

Use the Add Authorized Service window to add a new authorized service.

  1. On the navigation menu (), click Admin.
  2. In the System Configuration section, click Authorized Services.
  3. Click Add Authorized Service.
  4. In the Service Name field, type a name for this authorized service. The name can be up to 255 characters in length.
  5. From the User Role list, select the user role that you want to assign to this authorized service. The user roles that are assigned to an authorized service determine the functions that this service can access on the JSA user interface.
  6. From the Security Profile list, select the security profile that you want to assign to this authorized service. The security profile determines the networks and log sources that this service can access on the JSA user interface.
  7. In the Expiry Date list, type or select a date that you want this service to expire. If an expiry date is not required, select No Expiry
  8. Click Create Service.

    The confirmation message contains a token field that you must copy into your vendor software to authenticate with JSA.