Backup and Recovery
You can back up and recover JSA configuration information and data.
You can use the backup and recovery feature to back up your event and flow data; however, you must restore event and flow data manually. For more information, see Restoring Data.
By default, JSA creates a backup archive of your configuration information daily at midnight. The backup archive includes configuration information, data, or both from the previous day.
You can use two types of backups: configuration backups and data backups.
Configuration backups include the following components:
Application configuration
Custom logos
Custom rules
Device Support Modules (DSMs)
Event categories
Flow sources
Flow and event searches
Index management information
License key information
Log sources
Reference set elements
Store and Forward schedules
User and user roles information
Vulnerability data (if JSA Vulnerability Manager is installed)
Data backups include the following information:
Audit log information
Event data
Flow data
Report data
The data backup does not included application data. To configure and manage backups for application data, see Backing Up and Restoring App Data.