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Known Issues

Learn about known issues in this release for Juniper Identity Management Service.

  • After restarting the JIMS-Server,

    In JIMS Administrative UI at the Status > SRX Clients > Query State page, an unknown state is displayed. To resolve this, you should reconnect to the JIMS Administrative UI after a 15-minute period - PR1693586

  • After upgrade from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1, JIMS will not connect identity client if backup is imported during installation of 1.4.0 - PR1694122

    • Workaround: Export configuration, uncheck the option identity client, uninstall JIMS, reinstall JIMS (do not import previous configuration at dialog), import previously exported configuration from file menu.

  • In JIMS Administrative UI,

    At the Status > Summary > JIMS Identity Collector > State page, incorrectly displays learning state instead of active state. No functional impact - PR1695554

  • If you reinstall JIMS, after uninstalling the software, and if you perform a deletion of the previous installation directories, reinstall JIMS and import a backup configuration, it will result in identity client connectivity issues for JIMS - PR1708193

    • Workaround: During import of backup configuration, uncheck the option to import the identity client.

  • SRX batch query filters will not work appropriately. SRX will receive full batch query response instead of filtered - PR1726183 and PR1726270

  • When a user alias is associated with multiple Active Directory domains, incorrect user domain might be associated with the user - PR1737513

    • Please contact Juniper Support (JTAC) for resolution.
  • The Release Candidate string is still present in the Help > About page - PR1741112