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New Features and Enhancements

The following sections describe new features and enhancements available in the JDPI-Decoder releases:

New Software Features and Enhancements Introduced in JDPI-Decoder Release 3372

The following sections describe new features and enhancements available in JDPI-Decoder Release 3372.

New Applications

Table 1 shows the applications that are added in this release of JDPI-Decoder.

Table 1: New Applications
Sr. No. Application Name Application Type Reported Over Description
1 ONGUARD-CLIENT Infrastructure DCERPC OnGuard is a product from Lenel for managing physical security of buildings. This plug-in classifies the connection from the client software to the server.
2 OMRON-FINS Infrastructure TCP/UDP Omron FINS Protocol is SCADA protocol to communicate with PLC.

Updated Applications

Table 2 lists the application updates in this release of JDPI-Decoder.

Table 2: Updated Applications
Sr. No. Application Name Application Type Reported Over Description
1 FLEXERA Infrastructure ADOBE/HTTP/HTTP2/HTTPS/SPDY/SSL/TCP This plug-in classifies FLEXNet license servers and Flexera website.
2 HTTP Web HAPROXY/HTTP-PROXY/HTTP-TUNNEL/NET-PROXY/SOCKS4/SOCKS5/TCP/UDP This signature detects HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). World Wide Web uses this protocol. This signature defines how messages are formatted and transmitted and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. HTTP usually runs on TCP port 80.
3 HTTP2 Web SSL/TCP HTTP/2 is the second majorversion of the HTTP networkprotocol that the World WideWeb uses
4 HAO123 Web HTTP/HTTP2/HTTPS/SPDY/SSL This plug-in classifies the httptraffic to the host
5 OMNICAST Multimedia HTTP/HTTP2/HTTPS/RTP/RTSP/SPDY/TCP/UDP Omnicast is an IP CCTV (closed-circuit television) collector,storage and visualization product.This plug-in classifieshttp andrtsp flows of Omnicast. This plug-in does not handle protocolsspecific to cameras.
6 PI-DATA Infrastructure TCP This plug-in classifies OSI PIDataArchive and Server SCADAprotocol.
7 SMTP Messaging SOCKS4/SOCKS5/TCP This signature detects SimpleMail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).SMTP is protocol for e-mailtransmission across the Internet.It is an Internet standard host-to-host mail transport protocol.SMTP usually runs on TCP port25.
8 SYMANTEC-SEP Infrastructure DCERPC/HTTP/HTTP2/HTTPS/SPDY/SSL Symantec developed SymantecEndpoint Protection (SEP). SEP isa security software suite. SEPconsists of anti-malware,intrusion prevention, and firewallfeatures for servers and desktops.SEP has the largest market-shareof any product for endpointsecurity.
9 SOSO Web HTTP/HTTP2/HTTPS/SSL/SPDY This protocol plug-in classifies thehttptraffic to the host
10 TELNET Remote-Access TCP This signature detects Telnet.Telnet is an remote text-basedlogin protocol. Telnet usually runson TCP port 23.
11 TIANYA Web HTTP/HTTP2/HTTPS/SSL/SPDY This signature detects TianyaClub. Tianya is one of the mostpopular Internet forums in China.Tianya provides BBS, blog, andphoto hosting services.
12 X11 Remote-Access TCP X Window System is a system forimplementing a window-baseduser interface on bit-mappeddisplays. X11 is the most currentand widely used version of X. It isactually a network protocol thatwas designed to allow Unixprograms that utilize a GUI tosend the graphical output to aremote display. X11 usually runson TCP port 6000, 6001, 6002,and other ports.

Custom Applications

This release of JDPI-Decoder does not introduce any enhancements to the custom applications.