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Displaying Running VComp Bundle Configuration and Counters (CTP Menu)

To display a bundle using the CTP Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select 1) Bundle Operations.
  2. Select 4) VCOMP.
  3. Select a bundle from the list.
  4. Select 1) Query.
Table 1: VComp Bundle Runtime State Counters in the CTP Menu
Field Name Field Description

Runtime State


DSP Info(dsp/bndl)

Indicates which voice compression module (DSP) the bundle is built on, as well as the bundle allocation ID on the voice compression module.

Voice Channel Signaling

Current voice signaling. This field is displayed for VComp bundles that carry analog voice interfaces as well as VComp bundles that transport T1/E1 ports with signaling enabled. This information is not displayed for VComp bundles transporting channels from T1/E1 interfaces with signaling disabled.

Under Chan Src, the XX: prefix indicates the channel number.

T1E1 flags

Current T1 or E1 flag:

  • LOS—Loss of signal

  • LOF—Loss of frame

I/F bound packets

Number of packets received from the IP network destined for the bundle.

NET bound packets

Number of packets created by the bundle and sent to the IP network.

Missing pkts

Number of packets destined for the bundle that were not available at the time when that data was needed. This unavailability may be due to a dropped packet in the IP network or to a packet that arrived too late at the CTP device to be processed out the interface. Both dropped and late packets cause the missing packet counter to increment.

Buffer underflows

Number of times the buffer reached the minimum set threshold.

Buffer overflows

Number of times the buffer reached the maximum set threshold.

Buffer starves

Indicates an exceeded threshold. The CTP device is designed to tolerate strings of consecutive missing packets without the loss of bit count integrity. The number of packets is configurable; the default is five (5). Exceeding this threshold is called a starvation, and a counter is incremented each time this event occurs.

Buffer average

Average buffer size in ms.

Last counter clear

Indicates the last time that the system counters were reset.