You can use the CTP chassis with cryptographic devices.
You can configure synchronized (in-sync) and pulse cryptographic resynchronized
(resync) options for use with these devices.
If an error occurs on a secure link, the cryptographic devices
can get out of sync. When the CTP software detects that a cryptographic
device is out of sync or that keepalives or LMI has been lost, it
signals to the cryptographic device to resync by pulsing DSR and/or
The NRZ port has a configuration parameter for cryptographic
resynchronization where you need to specify a port that is on the
same node and is monitored. The port has to be a Fractional T1/E1
port that has Frame transport Enabled. When the bundle that includes
these ports is up and running, the cryptographic resynchronization
function monitors the frame synchronization bit of the framer in the
east bound direction, and if the framer indicates loss of frame, then
the cryptographic function is activated.
You can configure how long the CTP software waits before requesting
a resynchronization, set the pulse width, and set the pulse period
of the resynchronization request. You can also configure the direction
of the pulse (0 to 1 or 1 to 0). To disable the pulse, set the in-sync
and pulse value to the same value.
To configure cryptographic resynchronization:
- From the CTP Main Menu, select 1) Bundle
Operations >
- Select 1) CTP.
- Select a bundle from the list.
- Select 3) Port Config > 4) Advanced Options > 11) Remote Port
T1E1 crypto
This option allows this port to output a crypto resync
pulse based on the T1/E1 frame status (i/f bound) of another port.
The port must be a T1/E1 port or Serial port with T1E1 DCARD.
The port must be configured for fractional T1/E1 w/ frame transport
The port must be on this node.
Would you like to enable this feature? y[n]:
Enter T1/E1 Port [se-0/0]:
- Enter y and select a T1E1 port
when prompted..
- 12) Crypto Options
0) Back to Previous Menu
1) Crypto resync wait time: 4 sec
2) Crypto resync pulse width: 1 sec
3) Crypto resync pulse period: 8 sec
4) Crypto resync DSR in-sync value: 1 (mark/high/off)
5) Crypto resync DSR pulse value: 0 (space/low/on)
6) Crypto resync CTS in-sync value: 1 (mark/high/off)
7) Crypto resync CTS pulse value: 0 (space/low/on)
- Configure the cryptographic resynchronization options
as described in Table 1
Table 1: Cryptographic Resynchronization
OptionsField Name
Field Description
Crypto resync wait time
Number of seconds to wait between loss of sync on the
port and the first resynchronization pulse.
Enter a value in the range 1 – 60. The default value is
4 seconds
Crypto resync pulse width
Pulse width in seconds. This is the number of seconds
the resynchronization pulse will be asserted.
Enter a value in the range 1 -15. the default value is 1 second
Crypto resync pulse period
Number of seconds between the beginning of each pulse.
This value minus the pulse width equals the time between the end of
one pulse and the beginning of the next pulse.
Enter a value in the range 1-1000. The default value is 8 seconds.
Crypto resync DSR in-sync value
State of DSR or DTR when the port is in sync.
Enter a value in the range 0-1. The default value is 1.
Crypto resync DSR pulse value
State of DSR or DTR to be sent between the resynchronization
pulses when the port is out of sync.
Enter a value in the range 0-1. The default value is 0.
Crypto resync CTS in-sync value
State of CTS or RTS when the port is in sync.
Enter a value in the range 0-1. The default value is 1.
Crypto resync CTS pulse value
State for CTS or RTS to be sent between the resynchronization
pulses when the port is out of sync.
Enter a value in the range 0-1. The default value is 0.