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Configuring Serial Loops for CESoPSN Bundles (CTP Menu)

Serial loops will run on transparent circuits only if the transparent circuits use the SD and RD signals to transport data.

To configure serial loops with the CTP Menu:

  1. From the CTP Main Menu, select 1) Bundle Operations.
  2. Select 1) CTP.
  3. Select a bundle from the list.
  4. Select 8) Runtime Diags.
  5. Select 1) Serial Loop.
  6. Configure the Serial Loop option as described in Table 1.
Table 1: Serial Loop Parameter Settings in the CTP Menu
Field Function Your Action

Serial Loop

Specifies the direction of the serial loop or removes the serial loop.

Select one:

  • None—Removes the serial loop.

  • To NET—Creates a loop toward the network. Data arriving from the IP network destined for the serial interface is looped back to the IP network and remote customer device. The data is still transmitted from the IP network to the serial interface, but data from the serial interface to the IP network and remote device is blocked.

  • To I/F—Creates a loop toward the customer device attached to the serial interface. Data arriving from the serial interface that is destined for the IP network is looped back to the serial interface. The data is still transmitted from the serial interface to the IP network, but data from the IP network to the serial interface is blocked.