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Upgrading the CTP150, CTP151, and CTP2000 Series Devices to Dual Image of CTPOS 9.1R3.4

Upgrading to Dual Image on CTP150, CTP151, and CTP2000 series Devices

Starting from CTPOS Release 9.1R3.4, you can install dual image of CTPOS 9.1R3.4 on CTP150, CTP151, and CTP2000 series devices. This topic describes the following upgrade procedures. Follow proper antistatic procedures throughout.


CTPOS Release 9.1R3.4 supports CTP150, CTP151, and CTP2000 series devices.

Prerequisites for Dual Image Upgrade

Upgrading to Dual Image on CTP151


Before you upgrade to dual image, ensure that you meet the following broad level requirements.


  • Dual upgrade requires having a console connection (and not SSH) to the device.

  • We recommend the following working USB models when you are upgrading from an USB.

    • LEXAR USB Flash Drive

    • UNIGEN PSK8000S1

  • The dual image upgrade feature is supported on CTPOS 7.3Rx, 9.0R1, 9.1R1, and 9.1R2 releases. However, if you want to upgrade any earlier CTPOS versions to CTPOS 9.1R3.4, then you must first upgrade the earlier versions to CTPOS 7.3R7-1 or CTPOS 7.3R8 on CTP150/2000 devices and to CTPOS 9.1R1 or 9.1R2 on CTP151 device.

  • The dual image upgrade feature is supported on CTP2000 (PP833 processor) and CTP150 devices running CTPOS 7.3R7-1 or 7.3R8, or 9.0R1 releases. This feature is also supported on CTP 151 device running CTPOS 9.1Rx releases.

  • Partition geometry will be different on PP833 CTP2000 platform. CTP150 platforms will have legacy bios supported partitions while CTP151 platforms will have UEFI partitions on the disk.

    The partitions geometry details on both category of platforms are:

    Table 1: Legacy Bios Supported Platforms–CTP2000 (PP833), CTP150































    Following partitions will be created on CTP151 for dual image and first two partitions will be common for both images. The first partition (BIOS Type) will have 1M size and will have no label name. This partition is required for supporting dual boot feature (legacy Bios + UEFI boot).

    Table 2: b. UEFI Supported Platforms–CTP151







































    Total Size


  • Following files will be available in CTPOS 9.1R3.4 Release to install the dual image:

    File Name



    Dual image upgrade archive file for Legacy BIOS platforms (CTP150 PP833(03)) running 9.0x image


    Dual image upgrade archive file for UEFI platforms (CTP151) running 9.1x image


    Dual image upgrade archive file for Legacy BIOS platforms (CTP150, PP833) running 7.x image


    Image partitions archive file for CTP150, PP833. This file needs to be copied in /mnt/ramdisk during later execution of dual upgrade process as suggested by logs.


    Image partitions archive file for CTP151. This file needs to be copied in /mnt/ramdisk during later execution of dual upgrade process as suggested by logs.


    USB install image file for CTP150 and PP833 systems.


    This image is not supported on PP332 system.



    This file is provided as a compressed file (.gz) which was compressed using gzip. Instructions on how to uncompress it are included in the "Installing Dual Image on CTP151 from USB" section below.

    USB install image files for CTP151 systems.

Upgrading to Dual Image on CTP151

You can upgrade to CTPOS 9.1R3.4 on a CTP151 device through three different interface methods:

  1. CLI or manual

  2. USB

  3. CTPView

Preparing CTP151 before Upgrade

Before you starting upgrading to CTPOS 9.1R3.4, ensure that you complete the following tasks.

  1. Confirm the existing version running on your CTP151 device.Assuming that your CTP151 node is running CTPOS 9.1R1,
  2. Reboot CTP Node. Click Delete or Esc prior to GRUB load menu.The BIOS menu appears.
  3. Select Boot menu. The Boot menu is displayed.

    Ensure that the Boot Option #1 has UEFI OS. If not, select UEFI OS as Boot Option #1.

  4. Select the last Boot Option. In this case, last Boot option is #3. Select Boot Option #3 and press Enter.

    The Boot Option #3 window appears.

  5. Select Disabled and press Enter.

    The Boot Option #3 is now disabled.

  6. Similarly, disable all the other boot options except for Boot Option #1.Only Boot Option #1 should be enabled with UEFI OS.
  7. Save and exit the BIOS configuration.Go to Save & Exit menu and select Yes.

Upgrading to Dual Image on CTP151

Installing Dual Image on CTP151 Manually through CLI

The package acorn_310_dual_image_upgrade_ctp151_240516.tgz is needed to upgrade CTP151 to CTPOS 9.1R3.4. Extract this package from the tarball ctp_complete_9.1R3-4_240516.tgz that is available in the Juniper Networks download page at for CTPOS 9.1R3.4 Release. This package, when executed:

On a single image system, will

  • Upgrade the system to dual image (porting the previous single image contents into image 1 of the dual image flash).

  • Prepare the system to accept image upgrade tar ball (create RAM disk).

On a dual image system, will

Prepare the system to accept image upgrade tar ball (create RAM disk)

The following steps illustrate how to manually upgrade a CTPOS 9.1R3.4 dual image from an existing single image or a dual image using CLI commands.


The steps involved to upgrade dual image on a CTP151 device varies from the steps to upgrade on a CTP150 or CTP2000 series device.

  1. Copy acorn_310_dual_image_upgrade_ctp151_240516.tgz to /tmp of CTP Device.
  2. Run "upgrade y" on CTP Node for a non-interactive installation. You can also run “upgrade” to install in an interactive way.

    When "upgrade" is executed in interactive way, it allows you to select which image to overwrite on a dual image system. When issued with the “y” option, it will execute non-interactively, and choose which image to overwrite automatically. If you want to guide the upgrade process, then you must execute “upgrade” instead.

  3. Copy CTPOS_9.1R3-4_partitions_ctp151_240516.tgz file to /mnt/ramdisk directory on CTP Node.
  4. Run "upgrade" on CTP Node. Type “y” when asked for system reboot. User can run “upgrade y” to execute in non-interactive way.
Installing Dual Image on CTP151 from USB

The USB flash image ctpos_usb_install_9.1R3-1_ctp151_211221.img is needed to upgrade to CTPOS 9.1R3.1 in the CTP151 device. Download this image from the Juniper Networks download page at for CTPOS 9.1R3.1 Release.When USB install for dual upgrade is executed:

On a single image system, it will

  • upgrade system to dual image (porting the previous single image contents into image 1 of the dual image flash)

  • prepare the system to accept image upgrade tar ball (create RAM disk)

On a dual image system, it will

prepare the system to accept image upgrade tar ball (create RAM disk)

For a blank or corrupted system

Blank or corrupted “/dev/sda” disk may occur due to one of the following reasons:

  • /dev/sda disk is blank

  • /dev/sda is not having CTPOS 9.1Rx or 9.0Rx installed

  • /dev/sda is installed with CTPOS 9.1Rx or 9.0Rx but CTP151 node is not booting up from /dev/sda disk

If any of the above is true, you must recover CTP151 using the USB installation image of 9.1R1 or 9.1R2 release. For this, you need to follow instructions in the release notes of respective release to install image on CTP151. Following a successful installation, you can proceed further for 9.1R3.1 USB installation on CTP151.You may contact JTAC for the links to download 9.1R1 or 9.1R2 release and associated release notes.

To install dual image from USB:

  1. Insert your USB disk into the CTP151 platform, and burn the USB install image to it.Uncompress ctpos_usb_install_9.1R3-1_ctp151_211221.img.gz file using "gunzip" tool on your server.

    You can check <check USB device name> using “fdisk -l” command for the inserted USB.

    Insert the USB, if it is not already inserted in CTPOS node.

    Change "" IP address in the above command with your server IP.

  2. Reboot CTP Node. Press Delete or ESC key to enter BIOS menu.
  3. Ensure that the Boot Option #1 has UEFI USB selected. If not, select UEFI USB as Boot Option #1.
  4. Ensure to disable all other Boot Options in boot menu, Only UEFI USB Boot Option #1 should be Enabled. For disabling a Boot Option, go to “Boot Option #” which needs to be disabled and press Enter and select Disabled.
  5. Go to Save and Exit menu.Select Save Changes and Exit.Press Enter and select Yes.

    The system will reboot.

  6. During the boot up process of USB install image, the user menu for USB installation for Dual Image Upgrade is displayed and you will be prompted to select the destination disk. Select 0 option and appropriate options for USB installation.
  7. Go to BIOS menu and change boot priority #1 to UEFI OS and save the changes.
  8. The device will boot up with CTPOS 9.1R3.1.

    Copy acorn_310_9.1R3-4_240516.tgz to /tmp and run upgrade y to upgrade their CTP Nodes to CTPOS 9.1R3.4.

Installing Dual Image on CTP151 from CTPView

See Installing CTPOS 9.1R3.4 Dual Image on CTP device from CTPView section in CTPView Network Management System Administration Guide

Upgrading to Dual Image on CTP150 and CTP2000 Series Devices

You can upgrade to CTPOS 9.1R3.4 on a CTP150 and CTP2000 Series device through three different interface methods.

  1. CLI or manual

  2. USB

  3. CTPView

Upgrading to Dual Image on CTP150 or CTP2000 Series Device

Installing Dual Image on CTP150 or CTP2000 Series Device Manually through CLI

The package acorn_310_dual_image_upgrade_ctp150_ctp2k-02_-03_240516.tgz is needed to upgrade to CTPOS 9.1R3.4 on CTP150 or CTP2000 Series devices running CTPOS 9.0Rx and acorn_429_dual_image_upgrade_ctp150_ctp2k-02_-03_240516.tgz package is needed to upgrade to CTPOS 9.1R3.4 on CTP150 or CTP2000 Series devices running CTPOS 7.3Rx. Extract the package from the tarball ctp_complete_9.1R3-4_240516.tgz that is available in the Juniper Networks download page at for CTPOS 9.1R3.4 Release. This package, when executed:

On a single image system, it will

  • Upgrade the system to dual image (porting the previous single image contents into image 1 of the dual image flash).

  • Prepare the system to accept image upgrade tar ball (create RAM disk).

On a dual image system, will

Prepare the system to accept image upgrade tar ball (create RAM disk).

The following steps illustrate how to manually upgrade to a CTPOS 9.1R3.4 dual image from an existing single image or a dual image using CLI commands.


The steps involved to upgrade dual image on a CTP150 or CTP2000 series device varies from the steps to upgrade dual image on a CTP151 device.

The “upgrade” program is executed to run acorn_310_dual_image_upgrade_ctp150_ctp2k-02_-03_240516.tgz or acorn_429_dual_image_upgrade_ctp150_ctp2k-02_-03_240516.tgz package on CTP2000 and CTP150.

When running “upgrade” program from a CTPOS version 9.x, the acorn_310_dual_image_upgrade_ctp150_ctp2k-02_-03_240516.tgz is required.

When running “upgrade” program from a CTPOS version 7.x, the acorn_429_dual_image_upgrade_ctp150_ctp2k-02_-03_240516.tgz is required.

The following steps show how to upgrade to a CTPOS 9.1R3.1 dual image on an existing CTPOS 9.0R1 on a CTP150 device.

  1. Copy acorn_310_dual_image_upgrade_ctp150_ctp2k-02_-03_240516.tgz to /tmp of CTP Device.
  2. Run "upgrade y" on CTP Node. You can also run “upgrade” to execute in interactive way.

    This “upgrade” program, when issued with the “y” option, will execute non-interactively, and not ask the you for any inputs. If you want to guide the upgrade process, then you must execute “upgrade” instead.

  3. Copy CTPOS_partitions tar ball to /mnt/ramdisk of CTP Node.
  4. Run "upgrade" on CTP Node. Type “y” when asked for system reboot. You can run “upgrade y” to execute in a non-interactive way.

    The system will reboot and come up with CTPOS 9.1R3.4 image.

Installing Dual Image on CTP150 or CTP2000 Series device from USB

The USB flash image ctpos_usb_install_9.1R3-1_ctp150_ctp2k-02_-03_211221.img is needed to upgrade to CTPOS 9.1R3.1 on a CTP150 or CTP2000 series device. Download this image from the Juniper Networks download page at for CTPOS 9.1R3.4 Release.


USB install is not supported for CTP2000 platforms with 02 (PP332) processor.

When USB install for dual upgrade is executed:

On a single image system, it will

  • upgrade system to dual image (porting the previous single image contents into image 1 of the dual image flash)

  • prepare the system to accept image upgrade tar ball (create RAM disk)

On a dual image system, it will

prepare the system to accept image upgrade tar ball (create RAM disk)

Following steps illustrate how to upgrade dual image CTPOS 9.1R3.1 on a CTP2000 device with PP833 processor.

  1. Insert your USB disk into the CTP150 or CTP2000 series device, and burn the USB install image to it.

    In the above command, replace "" IP address with your server IP.

  2. Reboot CTP Node.Press F2 key twice to go to the BIOS menu in CTP2000 series device with PP833 processor.If you are doing USB install on a CTP150 device, press Backspace to enter the BIOS menu.
  3. Press Enter and select Boot Type Order.
  4. Press Enter. Press <F5> key to display the USB option.
  5. Select Exit Saving Changes and enter Yes.

    The system will boot and comes up with USB menu displaying the following.

  6. Press Esc key twice and go to Exit.
  7. Type F2 key twice to go to BIOS menu in PP833.
  8. Press Enter and select Boot Type Order.
  9. Press Enter and press F5 key to see the Hard Disk Drive option as a first boot order priority.
  10. Press Esc key twice. Go to Exit.
  11. Select Exit Saving Changes and select Yes.
  12. The system will boot and come up with 9.1R3.1 image.
    Copy acorn_310_9.1R3-4_240516.tgz to /tmp and run upgrade y to upgrade your CTP Nodes to 9.1R3.4.
Installing Dual Image on CTP150 or CTP2000 Series device from CTPView

See Installing CTPOS 9.1R3.4 Dual Image on CTP device from CTPView section in CTPView Network Management System Administration Guide.

Personality Transfer

Personality Transfer

Till now, when you upgrade 9.x CTP device to 9.1R3.4 via the current dual image upgrade process, you were forced to “First Boot” the system, which can be a tedious and time-consuming effort.

Personality Transfer feature copies the files that are modified as part of your configuration changes to the system (such as, ctp_dbase, service config files, system settings - IP address, default ethernet, and so on) to the new CTPOS 9.1R3.4 image so that all the user system/node/bundle configurations remain intact. With this feature you need not “First Boot” the system forcefully, thus saving the time.

Starting from the CTPOS Release 9.1R3.1, the Personality Transfer feature is introduced to help you upgrade to dual image seamlessly, without first boot. This feature is supported on CTP150, CTP151, and CTP2000 series devices.

You can upgrade using three different interface methods.

  1. CLI or Manual
  2. USB
  3. CTPView
  • You can either choose to upgrade seamlessly in a non-interactive mode (USB or CTPView) or interactive mode (CLI or Manual).

  • You can use the Personality Transfer feature to upgrade the CTP devices which are running only CTPOS 9.0R1, 9.1R1, or 9.1R2.1 images.

  • When upgrading the CTP devices running CTPOS 7.x image, only the ethernet configuration files are restored and all other configuration files are NOT restored.


    If Ethernet segregation is enabled on a CTPOS 7.3 system and Personality Transfer is chosen during upgrade to CTPOS 9.1R3.4, the configuration for Ethernet segregation is lost after upgrade. In such a case, Ethernet segregation must be enabled after upgrade.

  • Personality Transfer is applied if you upgrade CTP in non-interactive mode.If you choose to upgrade in an interactive mode, you are prompted whether you want to retain system identity files.If you select Yes, personality transfer feature is applied, else it is not.

  • In case of an existing 9.0R1 dual-imaged system, where the active partition is running 7.3 version of CTPOS, an upgrade to 9.1R3.4 will replace the image in partition with 7.3 version. The CTP may go to 'first boot' state in such a scenario when upgrade is performed through CTPView or in non-interactive mode locally. If upgrade is performed using CTPView, when such a condition arises, the upgrade page will show the error message Connection to ctp not recovered due to the ’first boot’ condition having occurred even though the upgrade will happen successfully. To recover the connection of CTPView with CTP, CTP should be re-connected to CTPView.

  • All the CTP system identity files are copied during Personality Transfer. If you want to know what files compromise the personality files you can contact JTAC for further help.

  • When you upgrade from 9.1Rx to 9.1R3.4 dual image, the following messages are displayed:

    • Non-interactive mode

      Now, the personality transfer is applied.

    • Interactive Mode

  • After reboot, CTP will not run ’first boot’ if personality transfer is applied. However, you are prompted to change the password of default user accounts on first time login.

    After the password script finishes the upgrade is complete.