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Configuring cSRX Container Firewall Using the Junos OS CLI

This section provides basic CLI configurations that can be used for configuring cSRX Container Firewall containers. For more details see, Introducing the Junos OS Command-Line Interface.

To configure the cSRX Container Firewall container using the Junos OS CLI:

  1. Launch the cSRX Container Firewall container. Use the docker run command to launch the cSRX Container Firewall container. You include the mgt_bridge management bridge to connect the cSRX Container Firewall to a network.

    root@csrx-ubuntu3:~/csrx# docker run -d --privileged --network=mgt_bridge -e --name=<csrx-container-name><csrx-image-name>

    For example, to launch csrx2 using cSRX Container Firewall software image csrx:18.21R1.9 enter:

    root@csrx-ubuntu3:~/csrx# docker run -d --privileged --network=mgt_bridge -e --name=csrx2


    You must include the --privileged flag in the docker run command to enable the cSRX Container Firewall container to run in privileged mode.

  2. Log in to the cSRX Container Firewall container using SSH which is accessed by cSRX Container Firewall exposed service port.
  3. Start the CLI as root user.
  4. Verify the interfaces.

    root@> show interfaces

  5. Enter configuration mode.
  6. Set the root authentication password by entering a cleartext password, an encrypted password, or an SSH public key string (DSA or RSA).
  7. Configure the hostname.
  8. Configure the two traffic interfaces.
  9. Configure basic security zones for the public and private interfaces and bind them to traffic interfaces.
  10. Verify the configuration.
  11. Commit the configuration to activate it on the cSRX Container Firewall instance.
  12. (Optional) Use the show command to display the configuration for verification.