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Performing a Health Check of Infrastructure Components

After you install or upgrade CSO, you can run the script to perform a health check of all infrastructure components. This script detects whether any infrastructure component has failed and displays the health status of the following infrastructure components:

  • SaltStack

  • Cassandra

  • MariaDB

  • Swift

  • Redis

  • ArangoDb

  • Keystone

  • Elasticsearch

  • Elk Elasticsearch

  • Icinga

  • RabbitMQ

  • Etcd

  • Rsyslog

  • Kubernetes

  • ELK Logstash

  • ELK Kibana

  • ZooKeeper

  • Contrail Analytics

  • VRR

  • Microservices

To check the status of infrastructure components:

  1. Log in to the startupserver_1 VM as root.
  2. Navigate to the CSO directory in the startupserver_1 VM.

    For example:

  3. Run the script.

    To check the status of one of infrastructure components, run the following command:

    Run the following command to check the health of all the infrastructure components.

    After a couple of minutes, the status of each infrastructure component is displayed.

    For example:

If the script detects any service as unhealthy, then it displays an error message as shown in the following sample output.

To recover the service, you must run the script. See Recovering CSO Services.