Upgrade Contrail Service Orchestration from Release 6.1.0 to Release 6.3.0
Contrail Analytics Nodes (CAN) for CSO Release 6.3.0 run on CentOS version 7.7.1908.
Before you upgrade an on-premise deployment to CSO Release 6.3.0, ensure that
All sites are running version 6.1.0 and the supported Junos OS release.
All VMs have Internet connectivity. Internet connectivity is needed to verify the ESM license.
Upgrade Contrail Service Orchestration for KVM and ESXi Hypervisors
For ESXi hypervisors, create three new VMs for the streaming feature. See Provision VMs on Contrail Service Orchestration Servers.
You must have at least 40 GB in the / partition in the startupserver1 VM to run the upgrade script.
You must not delete previously installed CSO 6.1.0 folder from the startupserver VM.
If you opted for the streaming feature, then complete the following steps:
Configure the three physical servers for HA setup (if streaming is opted). Ensure that all the prerequisites are met. For details, see Provision VMs on Contrail Service Orchestration Servers. Ensure that these three physical servers can connect to the existing CSO servers.
Create a bridge interface for KVM hypervisors. For details, see Create a Bridge Interface for KVM Hypervisors. You must assign new IP addresses.
Modify the main Apt sources configuration file on the new physical servers to connect the Debian sources.list to the Internet.
root@host:~/# cp /etc/apt/orig-sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list
You do not need to modify the file if Debian sources.list is connected to the Ubuntu repository.
Run the setup_bms.sh script on all the three new physical servers.
Run the following commands from the CSO folder:
root@host:~/Contrail_Service_Orchestration_6.3.0# cd ci_cd
root@host:~/Contrail_Service_Orchestration_6.3.0# ./setup_bms.sh
Note:If you run the setup_bms.sh script after creating the bridge interface, you might see the error meesage
device br0 already exists; can't create bridge with the same name
. You can ignore the error message.
Follow this procedure to upgrade from CSO Release 6.1.0 to CSO Release 6.3.0.
After a successful upgrade, CSO is functional and you can log in to the Administrator Portal and the Customer Portal.