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Personalize the Administration Portal

You can personalize the navigation mode and the theme in the portal.

To personalize the portal:

  1. Click the icon on the lower left corner of the portal. You have an option to personalize the following settings:
    • Navigation Mode

    • Theme

    • Invert colors

  2. Select one of the following navigation modes:
    • Side Menu (default option)—Click this option if you want the main menu items to appear on the left pane.

    • Horizontal Menu—Click this option if you want the main menu items to appear horizontally on the top bar.

  3. Select one of the following themes:
    • Default—Click this option if you prefer the background color of the portal to be blue.

    • Grey—Click this option if you prefer the background color of the portal to be grey.

  4. Enable the toggle button if you prefer to invert the colors.

The changes are immediately applied to the portal.