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Add Provider Hub Sites

Before a Tenant Administrator user can add provider hub sites in Customer Portal, an SP Administrator or an OpCo Administrator user must create a point of presence (POP) and add the provider hub device (with DATA_ONLY or OAM_AND_DATA capabilities) to it from the Administration Portal. A provider hub device resides in a POP within the SP or OpCo network.

Provider hub sites are logical entities that connect branch sites, cloud spoke sites, or enterprise hub sites to provider hub devices through overlay tunnels in an SD-WAN deployment. Provider hub sites enable the tenant’s sites to backhaul traffic to the provider hub devices and to the Internet.

To add one or more provider hub sites:

  1. Select Resources > Site Management.

    The Site Management page appears.

  2. Click Add and select Add Provider Hub.

    The Add Provider Hub for Tenant-Name page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration settings according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  4. Click OK.

    CSO triggers a job and displays a job link. You are returned to the Site Management page. When the job is finished, the provider hub sites are listed, with the Site Status displaying Provisioned.

Table 1: Fields on the Provider Hub for <Tenant-Name> Page





Service POP

Select the POP from which you want to specify the provider hub device.

Hub Device Name

Select one or more provider hub devices from the list. (Provider hub devices with DATA_ONLY and OAM_AND_DATA capabilities are listed.)

If you select two or more provider hubs, the CSO provisions the provider hub sites in the order in which you selected the provider hub devices.

See CSO SD-WAN Deployment Workflow for the next task.