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Edit and Delete Application Traffic Type Profiles

Users with the Service Provider (SP) Administrator role (on-premises installation only) or Operating Company (OpCo) Administrator role can modify the parameters of existing application traffic type profiles and delete application traffic type profiles that are no longer being used.

Edit Application Traffic Type Profiles

To edit an application traffic type profile:

  1. Select Configuration > Application Traffic Type Profiles.

    The Application Traffic Type Profiles page appears.

  2. Select the application traffic type profile that you want to modify and click the Edit icon.

    The Edit Traffic Type Profile page appears displaying the same fields that are presented when you add an application traffic type profile.

  3. Modify the fields as required.

    Refer to Add Traffic Type Profiles for an explanation of the fields.


    You cannot modify the name of the application traffic type profile.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

    The modifications are saved and you are returned to the Application Traffic Type Profiles page, where a confirmation message appears.

    If you edit a traffic type profile that is associated with a steering or breakout profile and the traffic type profile is used in an SD-WAN policy intent that was previously deployed, you must redeploy the SD-WAN policy for the changes to take effect.

Delete Application Traffic Type Profiles

You can delete an application traffic type profile only if both the following conditions hold good:

  • The traffic type profile is disabled.

    To delete a traffic type profile that's enabled, edit the profile and disable it, and then trigger the deletion.

  • The traffic profile is not associated with a steering or breakout profile.

    To delete a traffic type profile that's associated with a steering or breakout profile, do one of the following:

    • Edit the traffic type profile to remove the steering or breakout profile, disable the traffic type profile, and then trigger the deletion.

    • Delete the associated steering or breakout profile, disable the traffic type profile, and then trigger the deletion.

To delete an application traffic type profile:

  1. Select Configuration > Application Traffic Type Profiles.

    The Application Traffic Type Profiles page appears.

  2. Select the application traffic type profile that you want to delete and click the Delete icon.

    The Confirm Delete page appears asking you to confirm the delete operation.

  3. Click Yes.

    You are returned to the Application Traffic Type Profiles page.

    If the selected application traffic type profile is disabled and is not associated with a steering or breakout profile, the application traffic type profile is deleted and a confirmation message appears.