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Resetting the Password for OpCo and Tenant Users

Users with the OpCo administrator role (or MSP Administrator role) or a tenant administrator role can reset the password for OpCo user and tenant users respectively. Also, users with the Update capability for Users objects can reset the password for both OpCo and tenant users.

To reset the password:

  1. Select Administration > Users in Administration Portal.

    The Users page appears, displaying a list of users.

  2. Select the username for which you want to reset the password, and then select More > Reset Password.

    An alert message appears, asking you to confirm the reset password operation.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the reset password operation.

    An e-mail (with the subject Reset Your CSO Password) is sent to the user’s e-mail address. This e-mail contains a URL (active for 24 hours) to reset the password. Users can click the URL link in the e-mail and change the password