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About the Tenant Devices Page

To access this page, click Resources > Tenant Devices.

You can use the Tenant Devices page to view the list of available CPE devices in the OpCo network. You can also view information about each CPE device in the network.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

  • View the history of tenant device activation logs. See Viewing the History of Tenant Device Activation Logs.

  • Reboot a CPE device. See Rebooting Tenant Devices and Provider Hub Devices.

  • Push licenses to devices. Select the devices and click Push License.

    The Push License page appears displaying the list of licenses uploaded in CSO. Select the license(s) which you want to push to the selected devices. Click Push Licenses to push the licenses to the selected devices. To cancel the action, click Cancel.

    See Pushing a License to Devices.

  • View Stage-1 configuration. Click Resources > Tenant Devices > Device-Name > Stage 1 Config to view the stage-1 configuration for the device.

  • View the device audit logs. Click Resources > Tenant Devices > Device-Name > Device Audit Logs to view the audit logs for the device.

  • View details about a CPE device. Click the details icon that appears when you hover over the name of a device or click More > Details.

  • Deleting a CPE—Select the CPE device that you want to delete and click the delete icon.

  • Show or hide columns about the CPE—Click the Show Hide columns icon in the top right corner of the page and select columns that you want to view on the page.

  • Search for a CPE device—Click the Search icon in the top right corner of the page to search for a CPE device. You can enter partial text or full text of the keyword in the text box and press Enter. The search results are displayed on the same page.

Field Descriptions

Table 1 describes the fields on the Tenant Devices page.

Table 1: Fields on the Tenant Devices Page



Device Name

Displays the name of the device.

Example: sunny-NFX-250


Displays the name of the tenant.

Example: tenant-blue

Site Name

Displays the name of the tenant site.

Example: site-blue-white


Displays the name of the location.

Example: San Jose, CA

Status Message

Displays the latest status message.

Example: IPsec provision success

WAN Links

Displays the number of WAN links.

Example: 2

POP Name

Displays the name of the POP.

Example: pop_blue

Management Status

Displays the management status of the CPE devices deployed in the cloud.

  • Expected—Regional server has activation details for the CPE device, but CPE device has not yet established a connection with the server.

  • Active—CPE device has downloaded images, but is not yet configured.

  • Provisioned—IPsec tunnel on NFX250 device is operational.

  • Provision Failed—CPE device failed when the vSRX was not instantiated properly.


Displays the name of the device model.

Example: NFX

Active Services

Displays the number of services that are activated for the device.

Example: 3

Image Name

Displays the name of the device image file.


OS Version

Displays the Junos OS Release version.

Example: 15.1X49-D40

Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the device.

Example: DD0416AA0117