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vCenter Integration for Contrail Release 5.0

This topic provides the steps for integrating Contrail Release 5.0 and microservices with VMware vCenter.


Before starting the integration, prepare your system by performing the following steps.

Set Up vCenter Server

Set up your vCenter server with parameters defining such things as the data center, cluster, DVSwitches, ContrailVM, and the like.

Use the following to get the Ansible Deployer with Contrail playbooks.

  1. From Juniper Networks, download Ansible Deployer (contrail-ansible-deployer-5.0.0-0.40.tgz) onto your provisioning host.

  2. Untar the tgz.

    - tar xvf contrail-ansible-deployer-5.0.0-0.40.tgz

  3. Copy the playbooks.

    cp playbooks/roles/vcenter/vars/vcenter_vars.yml.sample playbooks/roles/vcenter/vars/vcenter_vars.yml

  4. Prepare a file vcenter_vars.yml populated with vCenter server and ESXI hosts parameters. You can download the CentOS 7 + ESXi VM Host from Juniper Networks.

    For an example file, see roles/vcenter/vars/vcenter_vars.yml.sample.

  5. Run the Contrail vCenter playbook.

    ansible-playbook playbooks/vcenter.yml

Configure Contrail Parameters and Install

  1. Populate the file config/instances.yaml with Contrail roles.

    For an example file, see /master/config/instances.yaml.vcenter_example.

  2. Install Contrail by running the Contrail playbooks.

    ansible-playbook -i inventory/ -e orchestrator=vcenter playbooks/configure_instances.yml

    ansible-playbook -i inventory/ -e orchestrator=vcenter playbooks/install_contrail.yml