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service (Managing Services)



Start, stop, or restart a Contrail service. Display the status of a Contrail service.

All contrail services are managed by the process supervisord, which is open source software written in Python. Each Contrail node type, such as compute, control, and so on, has an instance of supervisord that, when running, launches Contrail services as child processes. All supervisord instances display in contrail-status output with the prefix supervisor. If the supervisord instance of a particular node type is not up, none of the services for that node type are up. For more details about the open source supervisord process, see


  • start—start a named service.

  • stop—stop a named service.

  • restart—stop and restart a named service.

  • status—display the status of a named service.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

The following examples show usage for the contrail-collector service, which is only configured on nodes that have the roles of analytics, configuration, web-ui, or database.

Sample Output

Release Information

Standard Linux command used for managing and viewing services in Contrail Controller Release 1.0.