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Setting Up the Infrastructure (Contrail Networking Release 21.4.L4 or Later)

SUMMARY Follow this topic to set up the infrastructure for Contrail Networking deployment in a RHOSP 17.1 environment when you are using Contrail Networking Release 21.4.L4 or later.

When to Use This Procedure

You should use this topic to provision and deploy overcloud for Contrail Networking in a RHOSP 17.1 environment when you are using Contrail Networking Release 21.4.L4 or later.

To provision and deploy overcloud, you need to:

  1. Provision the network resources for your physical network.

  2. Provision the bare metal nodes.

  3. Deploy your overcloud.

For more information on provisioning and deploying overcloud, see Provisioning and Deploying an overcloud.

Deploy Hosts with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

This section provides an example of how to deploy Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2.

Install and enable required software

This example shows how to obtain, install, and enable the software required to operate RHEL9.2.

Confirm the Domain Names

Before proceeding, ensure that the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) can be resolved by DNS or by the /etc/hosts on all nodes.

Prepare images

To prepare the images:

  1. Make a folder for the images:
  2. Download the RHEL8.4 base image from RedHat downloads (Red Hat account required). Move the files into the ~/images directory that you created in the previous step.

Create Undercloud VM

Follow the instructions in this section to the create the undercloud VM:

Customize the image for Undercloud VM

To customize the image for the undercloud VM:

Create FreeIPA VM

To create the FreeIPA VM:

Customize VM image for RedHat IDM (FreeIPA) VM

Follow this example to customer the VM image for the RedHat IDM image.

This example is setup for a TLS everywhere deployment.