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Setting Up the Infrastructure (Contrail Networking Release 21.4 or Later)

Follow this topic to set up the infrastructure for a Contrail Networking deployment in a RHOSP 16 environment when you are using Contrail Networking Release 21.4 or later.

When to Use This Procedure

You should use this topic to set up the infrastructure for a Contrail Networking deployment in a RHOSP 16 environment when you are using Contrail Networking Release 21.4 or later.

This procedure shows you how to set up the infrastructure for the installation when the hosts are using Red Hat Virtualization (RHV). Contrail Networking was enhanced to operate with hosts using Red Hat Virtualization (RHV) in Release 21.4.

In Release 21.3 and earlier, this procedure is performed with hosts using Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). See Setting Up the Infrastructure (Contrail Networking Release 21.3 or Earlier) .

Understanding Red Hat Virtualization

This procedure shows an example of how to set up the infrastructure for a Contrail Networking deployment in a RHOSP 16 environment when the hosts are using Red Hat Virtualization (RHV).

RHV is an enterprise virtualization platform built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and KVM. RHV is developed and fully supported by Red Hat.

The purpose of this topic is to illustrate one method of deploying Contrail Networking in a RHOSP 16 environment using RHOSP 16. The documentation of related RHV components is beyond the scope of this topic.

For additional information on RHV, see Product Documentation for Red Hat Virtualization from Red Hat.

For additional information on RHV installation, see the Installing Red Hat Virtualization as a self-hosted engine using the command line document from Red Hat.

Prepare the Red Hat Virtualization Manager Hosts

Prepare the Red Hat Virtualization Manager hosts using the instructions provided by Red Hat. See the Installing Red Hat Virtualization Hosts section of the Installing Hosts for Red Hat Virtualization chapter of the Installing Red Hat Virtualization as a self-hosted engine using the command line guide from Red Hat.

Deploy Hosts with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) must run to enable RHV.

This section provides an example of how to deploy RHEL8.

Install and enable required software

This example shows how to obtain, install, and enable the software required to operate Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Confirm the Domain Names

Before proceeding, ensure that the fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) can be resolved by DNS or by the /etc/hosts on all nodes.

Deploy Red Hat Virtualization Manager on the First Node

This section shows how to deploy Red Hat Virtual Manager (RHVM).

Enable the Red Hat Virtualization Manager Appliance

To enable the Red Hat Virtualization Manager Appliance:

Deploy the Self-Hosted Engine

To deploy the self-hosted engine:


Ensure all required interfaces are in one zone for IP Forwarding before proceeding with the NFS task during deployment.

Enable virh CLI to Use oVirt Authentication

To enable virh cli to use oVirt authentication:

Enabling the Red Hat Virtualization Manager Repositories

To enable the RHVM repositories:

  1. Login into RHVM
  2. Associate the Red Hat Virtualization Manager subscription and enable repositories:

Deploy Nodes and Enable Networking

Follow the tasks in this section to deploy nodes and enable networking:

Prepare the Ansible env Files

To prepare the Ansible env files:

Deploy Nodes and Networking

To deploy the nodes and enable networking:

Check Hosts

If a host is in Reboot status, go to the extended menu and select 'Confirm Host has been rebooted"'

Prepare images

To prepare the images:

  1. Make a folder for the images:
  2. Download the RHEL8.4 base image from RedHat downloads (Red Hat account required). Move the files into the ~/images directory that you created in the previous step.

Create Overcloud VMs

Follow the instructions in this section to create the overcloud VMs:

Prepare Images for the Kubernetes Cluster

If you are deploying the Contrail Control plane in a Kubernetes cluster, follow this example to prepare the images for the Contrail Controllers:

Note that Kubernetes has to be deployed separately on the nodes. This can be done a variety of ways. For information on performing this task using Kubespray, see this Kubespray page on Github.

Contrail Controllers can be deployed using the TF operator on top of Kubernetes. See the TF Operator Github page.

Prepare Overcloud VM Definitions

To prepare the overcloud VM definitions:

Create Contrail Control Plane VMs for Kubernetes-based Deployments

Follow the instructions in this section in side-by-side deployments where the Contrail Control plane is deployed as a separate Kubernetes-based cluster.

Customize VM image for Kubernetes VMs

To customize the VM image for Kubernetes VMs:

Define the Kubernetes VMs

To define the Kubernetes VMs:

Configure VLANs for RHOSP Internal API networks

To SSH to Kubernetes nodes and configure VLANS for RHOSP Internal API Networks:

Create Undercloud VM

Follow the instructions in this section to the create the undercloud VM:

Customize the image for Undercloud VM

To customer the image for the undercloud VM:

Define Undercloud VM

To define the undercloud VM:

Create FreeIPA VM

To create the FreeIPA VM:

Customize VM image for RedHat IDM (FreeIPA) VM

Follow this example to customer the VM image for the RedHat IDM image.

This example is setup for a TLS everywhere deployment.

Enable the RedHat IDM (FreeIPA) VM

To enable the RedHat IDM VM:

Access to RHVM via a web browser

RHVM can be accessed only using the engine FQDN or one of the engine alternate FQDNs. For example, Please ensure that the FQDN can be resolved.

Access to VMs via serial console

To access the VMs via serial console, see the RedHat documentation or the oVirt documentation.