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Importing Contrail Cluster Data using RedHat Director

You can use this document to deploy Contrail Command and import an existing cluster into Contrail Command with a single procedure in environments that are using Redhat Director.

If you want to perform this procedure in an environment that is using Contrail Networking but is not using Redhat Director, see Importing Contrail Cluster Data using Contrail Command.


This document makes the following assumptions about your environment:

  • You are running Contrail Networking Release 21.4.L1 or later with RHEL 8.4.

  • You have a VM or a BareMetal server available for running Contrail Command, the contrail-command VM.

  • Your Contrail Command node is registered with a RedHat subscription and you have a content lock on RHEL-8.4.

  • You have installed podman on the machine running Contrail Command.

    You can install podman by entering the yum install podman command.

  • Contrail Command has access to the RedHat provision network and a Keystone connection.

  • Your Contrail Command node is configured with the proper DNS address in the /etc/resolv.conf file.


  • Your Contrail Command VM has an updated keystone access IP address in the /etc/hosts file.


Import the Contrail Cluster

Perform the following steps to import the Contrail Cluster data.

  1. Create the command_servers.yml file.


  2. Import the Contrail cluster by entering this command from the Contrail Command node:

    You can obtain the Container-tag for your version of Contrail Networking at README Access to Contrail Registry 21XX.

    If you need to access the Contrail private secure registry, e-mail to obtain credentials.


  3. Enter the docker ps command to confirm that Contrail Command and other Contrail containers are up and running.